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"So you're telling me. . . that you basically allowed my daughter to just enter a HAUNTED HOUSE that you basically knew NOTHING about!?" She asked, angrily. "And now she's stuck in there!?"

I sighed sadly and bowed my head. Trying to escape her anger. "Yes."

We were still riding in Harriet's car, hoping to get to the house soon. Harriet drove really fast, yet it still took us quite a while. But we were very close to it now. I had just finished explaining what exactly had happened to Hailey and where she was now. It was clear that this made Harriet angry, and she had every right to be.

Harriet just shook her head angrily at my response and I felt really stupid. But apparently I was. She was right. I should have stopped Hailey just like Tommy tried to. Both of us together against her and she wouldn't have went in. I know she tries to act tough, but deep down she cares about our opinions as well. We could've stopped her. But I didn't stop her. Instead it was me and her against Tommy. And he was the only smart one around here apparently. Here I was thinking he was weird.

The rest of the ride was dead silence.

We were near the house now, but she didn't know that. She'd never been here. I was the first to speak, "You can pull over now, the entrance is right around here."

Without speaking or even glancing at me, Harriet pulled over to the side of the empty road and stopped the car.

We all got out and Tommy and I led the way to the NoEnd House. Harriet followed in an angry silence. Johnathan followed right beside her, his face buried in his DS.

It was a really short walk. Once we were standing in front of the house, Harriet spoke again, "She's in there?"

I sighed, "Yes. And she can't get out."

Harriet's face then dissolved into an expression of confused, angry worry. "Why can't she get out!? And why did she even go in?"

"Because, supposedly," I explained quickly, "If you can make it out, you win five hundred dollars. It's a stupid game. But she's been in there for nearly two hours now! We need to call the cops, I'm worried about her."

"Damn right you are!" Harriet said turning to glare at me, "If anybody's worried around here, it's me!" She still blamed me and she had every reason to. I had done this. She rushed to pull her phone out of her pocket and she dialed the number. They picked up immediately. She stepped away from us as she quickly explained the situation to the cops. She gave them our location and then they hung up.

"They're coming." She explained with a hard expression, showing no emotion. She was like Hailey in that way, hiding their emotions. But I knew she was worried because she asked, "Why can't we just go in there? What's even in there? We can't just wait here!"

I sighed. "Please, Harriet, just trust me. You'll just get stuck in there like Hailey is. Lots of people have before, we should just wait for the cops. I don't know what's in there, but I know it's bad.

Harriet huffed angrily. She was such a gentle and small looking woman, but I could see now that that was just an illusion. I shouldn't have judged this woman so quickly. She packed a lot of power.

Harriet paced the yard, losing her mind in anger and worry. I sat on the grass, defeated. Tommy glumly stared at the house, worrying. And Johnathan sat on the grass, on his DS. Still not questioning a thing. Stupid kid. I almost wanted to get angry at him, but u couldn't. It wasn't his fault. It was mine.

I tried to reassure myself. To gain a little strength. Hailey was getting out of there.

She had to.

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