Room 6

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I entered Room 6 and as the door shut behind me, it vanished.


The door I had literally just came in through had disappeared.

What the hell? I thought.

I still had a few tears in my eyes from Room 5 so I thought, maybe the tears were screwing with my vision. So I wiped my eyes until all my tears were gone and I could see perfectly clear, and the door just simply wasn't there.

I felt all over the wall, frantically trying to find the door. It just had to be there. I still wasn't used to the fact that nothing rational ever happened in this house so, It took me a while to come to grips with the fact that it wasn't.The door had disappeared.

I was about ready to start crying again, but it wasn't like I would have been able to go back anyway since the doors locked once I closed them. So instead I sighed and faced the room. . .

My heart almost stopped.

I was back in Room 3. The room where those terrifying shadows had been, except this time (Thank God) the shadows weren't there. The same lamp was in the corner and that same, sad chair was still in the center of the room. But being back in this place didn't scare me much. It was the one thing that had changed about the room that made me lose my mind.

There was no exit.

There was no way out. No doors, no secret hatches.


I was trapped in this room, all alone, with no way out.

After all I had been through, it was this that caused me to finally break. My severe claustrophobia and the stress of what I had already, been through all merged together and I'd officially had enough. I just couldn't do it anymore. I felt myself disconnect from reality and I did not cry, I did not scream, I didn't even bat an eye. I entered a complete insanity. I didn't care about anything anymore. I became a caged animal and I needed to get out.

So, what I did was, I turned right around and began clawing and scratching the wall wildly. Thank God my nails had always been long, the wall's paint was peeling off already. Ever since I'd reached Room 3, all I ever wanted was to get out of here, and now I was back in that room, with no exit. It was like a cruel joke and if there was no exit, then damn it, I was gonna make one.

Then that bitch spoke again, Wow, look at how sad you are. Don't you realize that you're never getting out of here? It's too late. Give up and join all the other poor souls trapped in here. We'd love to have you.

"Shut Up!!" I screamed, and she just laughed. But, I wasn't gonna listen to her. I was leaving and nothing was gonna stop me.

I buried my nails deep into the wall. My fingertips hurt, but I didn't care. I kept going. I'd keep going even if blood was pouring down from my fingers. I wasn't gonna stay in here, and absolutely nothing was gonna make me. I didn't even think about what I was doing. I just knew that there was a way out of here, if I just-

"Are you alright?"

Startled, I spun around quickly, not expecting another living creature to be in here. I was almost relieved. Maybe this person could help me get out of here. Everything in here had been fake, wild. . . or dead.

My hope of being saved, however, dissipated into thin air once I saw who had spoken.

It was probably the most terrifying thing I'd ever seen. Let me explain:

It was a little girl. . . but it wasn't. She was wearing a soft white dress that flowed down to her ankles. Long blonde hair fell down to her mid-back. She had bright blue eyes, pale white skin and could very much have been the most horrifying thing I had ever seen in my life. When I looked at her, I didn't JUST see her. I also saw a monster. It was like they were both occupying the same space at the same time. It was a man's body and he was completely naked but his feet were not human. They were hooves instead. He - or it - had the facial form of a ram and the snout of a wolf. It wasn't the devil, but it was terrible just the same.

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