The Rest of My Life

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My fairly normal wasn't so normal after that.

Once I got out of the NoEnd House, I completely lost my mind. I entered an entirely different reality that the house had created. Once I had been carried away by the police, however, I was allowed to go home. After my episode I somehow managed to calm down, even though I still believed that I was surrounded by monsters. But they didn't know that, so they just let me go. That was a bad move on their part.

I did a lot of crazy things at home. I wasn't able to hang out with Marcus or Tommy for the rest of that summer. My mom wouldn't let me. I think I was being punished, but I was too absorbed by my own insanity to notice or even care. That voice in my head was tricking me and turning me into a very twisted version of myself. The old Hailey had been destroyed in the house. There was only that new, deranged Hailey left.

It all started when I began to whisper to myself a lot. I would try to keep it hidden but it wasn't that easy. I just had to. My mom eventually noticed and that's when she got me a counselor. I was really talking to the voice in my head because she wouldn't shut up. She always had something evil and disgusting to say.

Then I developed an irrational fear of winged bugs. I would go crazy whenever I saw a fly, or a mosquito, or even a ladybug because every time I did, I would begin to relive Room 5. I just couldn't handle it. That got me more counselor visits and not to mention medication.

After that, my mom figured I was gonna get better. I guess she'd felt like she'd fulfilled her "motherly duty." She was taking my brother to the grocery store one day, and I asked her if I could stay home because I wasn't feeling too good. She was hesitant but she eventually allowed it.

I wasn't feeling well because the voice in my head would keep reminding me of all I had been through. She called me bad things and told me that I deserved to die. I eventually just couldn't take it anymore. I got a bat and broke all of the mirrors in the house because I was constantly reminded of Room 8 and, not to mention my own terrible self. Every time I looked into the mirror, I saw myself crying. It was too similar to the clone in the house and it reminded me of how weak I was. My family came home to find me sitting in the upstairs hallway crying, my wrists bleeding from cutting.

I think my mom had already planned on putting me in a mental hospital that night, but something else happened that absolutely crossed the line. It was then obvious that I needed even further help.

It was in the middle of the night. I was exhausted from being yelled at and having to clean myself up of my own blood so I fell asleep instantly. But I kept having nightmares about the NoEnd House. The last dream I had was about Room 7 and those terrible clones of my family. I couldn't go back to sleep after that. I was convinced that my family were those monsters and they were waiting to kill me when I went back to sleep. I completely lost it and I attempted to kill them. Thank God my mother was awake at the time and heard me walking to my brother's room or I don't know what would have happened. She came to investigate and saw me with a knife in my hand, standing right outside Johnathan's door. There was no any other explanation for what she saw and she immediately called the cops. I was put into a mental hospital after that.

I knew that what I done was a terrible, terrible mistake. I knew I had been tricked by the voice in my head. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and apologize to my family. To make things right. To fix my life. I needed to. I didn't want to be in there any longer than I had to. I knew I didn't belong there. I participated with everything the doctors wanted me to do. I behaved my best and I fought the voice in my head the best I could. I didn't really wanna make friends there, but I did. Her name was Jennifer. She was bulimic and we hit it off really well. I didn't like what she did to herself and I tried to help her with it the best I could, but I left before she did. The doctors were impressed by my quick recovery and I was let out by the end of the summer. I had to visit a counselor every day, but, at least I was allowed out of there.

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