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I fell and a great abyss flooded everything. I couldn't see. It was all dark and I fell for quite a while. I don't know how long exactly. It could've been seconds or days, I couldn't tell. It just felt like an eternity. Maybe that's all Room 9 was. Falling.

Then suddenly I stopped falling, but I still had yet to see anything. It remained dark. Darker than anything I had ever seen before. I had described Room 4 as an abyss as well, but this was something more. It wasn't just darkness this time.

It was nothing.

That's all I can really say to describe it. Room 9 was nothing. I tried to walk, to control my body, to do something, but I couldn't. Nothing would work. I couldn't even feel anything. Just my emotions. That was the only way I knew I still existed.

I didn't know what to do. Or if I could even DO anything. Sight was useless. I couldn't smell anything or hear anything. There was . . . nothing.

Just nothing.

Was I dead?

That was the question that kept running through my mind. Had the death I'd been praying for finally arrive? I didn't know the answer to that but I did know that I didn't like the state I was in. I was beginning to regret my wishes for death.

But I really couldn't complain, could I? I had asked for this.

So I gave up and let the nothingness take me. I had asked for it, so I was gonna relish this eternity, if that's what this was. It was easy to let go and for a second, I actually felt relaxed. Death was easy.

But before it could go any further, something changed.

All of a sudden, I felt an overwhelming feeling of defeat and depression consume me. It washed over me like a tidal wave. I felt more hopeless than I ever had before and after all I had been through today, that was saying a lot.

I then realized that I wasn't dead. This was Room 9. That was the only explanation. It wanted to keep me here and make me feel the pain. It wouldn't let me escape.

I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I wanted to scream, but I knew that was impossible. I wasn't able to. The house wouldn't let me. I felt like officially giving up. All the other times I felt like giving up, I admit I still had a little hope left.

Not this time.

I wanted to let go. I wanted to give up. I wanted to die. I became suicidal. Death was my only goal. I felt myself panic even without my body. I have no idea how long I stayed in that room. It could have been an hour, or a second, or an entire lifetime, I wouldn't know. Time was meaningless. All I could feel was depression. A complete loss of hope. If I could, I would have broken down in tears and tried to tear myself apart.

But I couldn't and that was the worst part. I couldn't do anything about it.

I felt such immeasurable pain and sadness, yet there was no escape. The cruelest of all jokes this house had conceived.

I just wanted to end officially. I wanted death and I wanted it now. But at some point, instead of the death I wanted, I saw a light suddenly appear. A big bright light. One of those stereotypical types of lights at the end of a tunnel. Then I felt the ground surface beneath me and I could move again. My body had returned from wherever it had been.

I started to walk slowly, afraid of what was gonna happen next. The light then took a thin, rectangular shape as I got closer. It was a small vertical slit of a slightly open door. The door was left unmarked. No number or anything. I began to jog towards it, heart pounding, scared yet excited.

For a split second, I looked back at the room I was previously trapped in and saw nothing but black. A deathly looking darkness. It gave me chills and I ran faster, wanting nothing more than to get out of here.

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