Room 5

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     Room 5 was different. Peaceful. There wasn't anything evidently scary about it, unlike all the other ones. If anything It was a paradise. A small escape from the hell I had trapped myself in. I knew I shouldn't have trusted that, but I was losing my mind and was in desperate need of an escape. The room was oddly beautiful in a way and I let the relief wash over me.

     But that great feeling was cut short when that monster spoke. Don't be fooled by what you see. She said with cruel humor, You're never safe in here!

     She was that evil voice in my head, that I had yet to discover. She was the one that had spoken to me earlier. She had never spoken before today. She wasn't like me at all. She was a monster. She enjoyed to torment. It was her very life and I was her next victim.

     I shivered. My initial relief flooded away quickly and was replaced with depression and fear. I sighed, sadly. I just couldn't catch a break, could I?

     The ceiling was much higher than any of the other rooms. At least, I assumed it was, considering how tall the trees were. They formed a high canopy that blocked my view of anything above it. It was a forest in here. Grass, bushes, flowers, trees, everything. Plants were everywhere and the only thing that reminded me I was still in the house, were the wooden floors. The room was so big and wide I couldn't even see the door to Room 6.

     But, I assumed it was straight ahead like they always have been.

     I found it strange how so much vegetation had managed to grow in here, yet the floor was not damaged a bit. It should have been risen and cracked from the roots growing, but it was in perfect condition. It even seemed to shine with cleanliness.

     I didn't contemplate it too much though as I got moving. I refused to think about the danger that might be in here. I'd been through enough and I was just glad I escaped that terrible darkness and the ear-splitting shriek.

     As I moved along, I still struggled to remember I was in a house or even on Earth. Something about this place felt strange, but not necessarily threatening. It felt alien. But I could still hear the sounds that you would hear in a normal forest on Earth. Birds chirping, and animals skittering about, but strangely, no matter how fast I turned my head, I never saw these animals. I could only hear them. After a while went by and I still saw nothing, I started thinking maybe they weren't actually there.

     Eventually, I felt a bug land on my arm. Maybe it was a mosquito or something, I never knew because I shook it off without looking.

     Then I felt another bug land on my leg. I shook it off again, but then more came and I shook crazily trying to scare them off. I tried to see what they were, but I couldn't and I figured all the animals were invisible. They were there, I couldn't see them.

     I screamed as the bugs kept coming. They wouldn't get off no matter how hard I tried to scare them away. I assumed they were Mosquitos but I had no way to tell.

     I flailed around and hit all over myself like a manic then started running, yet still they wouldn't get off of me and they began to bite. I stung all over as one by one, they bit me. I even felt them on my face, but still I couldn't see them.

     I was terrified. As I ran and flailed my heart was pounding and the intense pain took my breath away. I couldn't breathe. Desperate, I threw myself to the ground and rolled around. It didn't help. Whatever these bugs were, they were as indestructible as the roach.

     I eventually gave up on that and began to crawl. There were stinging pains all over my body and they just kept coming. Despite all that, I kept going, but I couldn't even see the door to Room 6 yet.

     Tears came to my eyes as the pain continued to grow worse and all I could hear were the bugs buzzing around me. I was desperate for this to end, so I gathered all the strength I had to stand again. I trudged along the best I could.

     That voice in my head came back. She started laughing like this was the most hilarious thing she'd ever seen. It irritated me. I wanted to shut her up but I couldn't do anything about it. Every time I tried to push her out of my head, she just came back.

     After what seemed to be a century of mental torment and pain, I was ready to give up. To let myself fall down right here and just die. I was losing my mind anyway, so what was the point. But then, I spotted Room 6 not too far ahead, past some bushes.

     Every single inch of my body was numb by now and I didn't think I could go any farther, but I guess it was adrenaline because I managed to run. Not fast, but still I ran despite it all.

     The bugs started to slowly leave my skin. There were still a lot of them biting me, but it was enough to give me a little more strength amd I began to hope again. The door was less than ten feet from me now. I could almost touch it.

     Then I felt one of the bugs land right on my eye. It hurt already and I was scared it was gonna bite my eyeball. Tears came and I prayed it wouldn't.

     I finally made it and once my hand touched the doorknob, all the bugs left at once. The biting stopped and I felt such an overwhelming sense of relief, I cried. Tears fell and I sobbed. My body still hurt all over, but it felt so good for the attacking to stop. I kept my hand on the knob because I felt like that was what kept the bugs away. I wouldn't risk them coming back.

     What I had thought was so beautiful and peaceful at first, turned out to be one of the worst things I had ever experienced. I didn't wanna move on. I still had four rooms left, which wouldn't have seemed that bad at first, but now I was terrified and ready to give up. I didn't wanna experience anything worse than what I had just been through. They were right. Something was definitely wrong with this house.

     Should have listened to your friend. You won't survive. The voice said again. She was evil and malicious. She enjoyed every second of my pain. She laughed and faded away.

     I had no choice but to go on. I was devastated. She was right. I should have listened and now the only way for me to get out if here was to go through. But I wasn't willing to leave this moment of peace.

     I would've stayed there forever until my body stopped aching completely and I was mentally stable again, but of course, something had to ruin it. The hum was back. I could hear it. It followed me from Room 4 and it was already getting louder.

     The tears came back harder than ever. I sobbed and the hum just got louder. I didn't wanna hear that shriek again so I entered Room 6, against my will.

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