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I slammed the door to Room 6, glad to temporarily escape Hell. I already knew that this room was gonna be worse. Ive sorta gotten used to this house. I was prepared for anything (at least I thought I was). But a bright light hit me and once my eyes adjusted, I was shocked to see where I was.

I was outside.

I looked back at the door and was shocked to see that it was the entrance.

I was confused, yet ecstatic. I couldn't control myself. I covered my mouth and cried. I screamed in relief and joy. I ran away from the house. I didn't wanna be close to it, but the intense excitement made me weak and I sunk to the ground, feeling the nice, wet grass beneath me and letting the soft afternoon breeze hit my face.

I don't know how long I laid there just relishing in my freedom, but eventually I snapped out of it and realized that Marcus and Tommy weren't there.

I got up quickly and looked around.

I became confused. How long had I been in there exactly? I thought it had only been an hour? Did they leave? I got up and looked around. There wasn't really anywhere they could be hiding. It was a fairly open space.

So, what was up?

Then I remembered the text message I had received earlier, in Room 6.

I got distracted. Room 6 . . .

I shook my head roughly. I didn't ever wanna think of what happened in there again. I could thank God that I escaped with at least some of my sanity. I was in the real world again. No ghosts, no shadows, no demon children. It was normal. Now I just had to worry about moving on with my life.

And making better decisions. That house wasn't worth five hundred stupid dollars.

I sighed. I didn't even bother going back in to find that money. It wasn't worth it and I was scared. I just wanted to get away from here. The house loomed over me like a monster, laughing at what it had done to me. I never knew something so evil could be so close to my home. I promised myself that I would never come here again.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that I had one notification. Sure enough, it was a text message from Marcus.

I had expected him to say something like, maybe his mom wanted him to come home for dinner and Tommy didn't wanna stay here. Or maybe they got too scared. But instead I got this:

Hey r u ok? Its been an hour already. Where r u?

Ok so I had been in there for an hour. So why would they leave? I could've swore I only got this five minutes ago. They should still be here, but they weren't. Where were they?

I texted him back:

Im outside. I did it. Where r u guys?

Once I sent it, I half expected them to pop up out of the trees saying that they were trying to scare me a little. It's been known to happen with those two.

But they didn't. Instead, after waiting there for five minutes, i got a response that confused me even more:

What? We're outside too. What r u talking about? R u ok? Where r u exactly? We'll find u.

What the hell? Clearly they were confused or something, right? I was scared to think of the alternatives so I stuck with that explanation. I would figure this out later, but right now, I was desperate to get home and take a shower.

A shame though. I really wanted to see them when I got out. They did basically save my life in Room 6 after all.

I started the walk home and on the way, I texted Marcus:

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