Room 2

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     Once I stepped into Room 2, it took me a second to take in my surroundings.

     It was pretty small and dark in there. The walls were black and there was no furniture, but there must've been a fog machine somewhere because white smoke was all over. If I stressed my eyes a little though I could still make out the door to Room 3. It would probably take ten steps total for me to get there. It seemed easy enough but, that just made me nervous. It was a little too easy.

     The smoke was so thick on the ground I couldn't even see my shoes. What if they set traps around the room, or dug a pit? What if there was a poisonous snake on the ground that I couldn't see? Or what if it was a scorpion!? Ok, maybe I was overreacting, but I was still worried about those rumors. I was just waiting for something bad to happen. This had all been too easy so far and I just knew something was up.

      In the darkness, I could just make out the robot bats flying around in circles all over the room. They gave out this staticky shreik as they flew around. Only their glowing red eyes were easily visible to me. The technology was much better than that of Room 1, at least.

      After taking it all in, I took a deep breathe and reluctantly headed towards Room 3. The deeper I went into the house, the more I felt like I should turn around and run before it was too late. I tried to ignore it the best I could but it was driving me insane now. Almost nothing would shake the suspicion that something just wasn't right about this place. Plus there was some scary music playing from somewhere in the room. It was just some cheesy, Halloween tune on loop but it still wasn't helping my nerves.

     I was halfway to Room 3 when I felt something pretty big hit my foot. I shreiked and jumped away quickly, thinking it was a snake or a scorpion. When I looked down,  through the fog, I could just make out a pair of dim, red glowing eyes. It didn't move and neither did I. The creature stared at me and I stared back. Then it gave a robotic squeak and I realized that it was just a toy mouse. I laughed in relief as It finally sped away on it's wheels.

     I reached the door to Room 3 and gripped the handle. Room 1 and 2 had been a breeze, but I wasn't feeling too good about what was gonna happen next. It couldn't stay this easy the whole time, could it? Even if the rumors weren't true, surely they would wanna make things more interesting. This was for five hundred dollars after all. At that thought, I got scared and really didn't wanna go in. And I had a strange feeling that once I entered this room, nothing would be the same.

      But, of course, being as arrogant as I was, I shrugged it off again.

      I had already made it through two rooms so I might as well go through the rest. The first two rooms proved that this house was completely normal. There were only seven rooms left. This'll go by quickly. Plus, what could possibly happen to me? The biggest thing I should worry about was if there were any spiders up ahead. I was wasting valuable time standing here. The sooner I go through this, the sooner I'll be back outside and, not to mention with five hundred dollars in my hands.

     I took a deep breathe and entered Room 3.

     This is where things got strange.


     I found out too late, that there really was something wrong with that house.

      I wish I had never went in.

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