Old Faces

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Dedicated to oocoomoocoo because shes awesome and I'm co-writing a Fred Weasley Fan Fic with her called 'The Story of Fred Weasley' so please check it out on her page! MUCH APPRICATED!! xx



Upon reaching the hospital wing, eventually, Madam Pomfrey and Hope had me do a few more walking exercises while Dumbledory sat curiously on one of the many beds watching silently. When they were satisfied with my walking progress, they merged into another conversation to which Dumbledory joined and I zoned out.

Instead, I assessed the protective pull in my stomach, analyzed my general feelings to my new environment and carefully studied Dumbledory’s and Madame Pomfrey’s behaviour, conspicuously, to establish how much danger was currently lurking the school grounds. Well wasn’t that a lot of intelligent thoughts? Maybe I only think sensibly when people are in danger, hmm…focus Robyn!

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, my eyes turned back to Dumbeldory and Madam Pomfrey; Dumbledory seemed relaxed, at ease almost but a gut instinct told me his mind was elsewhere aside from watching me. Madam Pomfrey acted the opposite; every so often she would linger her glances at Dumbledory with hidden worry in her expression, looking to him for answers. Understandable! Who wouldn’t look to the mighty Jesus man for answers? He knows all…

On that thought I paused, if there was one thing I’d noticed from studying their behavior it was that whatever was causing them unease, seemed to stunt Dumbledory. You know it’s getting serious when ALBY JESUS doesn’t have the answers! Madam Pomfrey’s behaviour suggested that Alby’s obliviousness to the cause of the problem was more worrying than the problem itself. Curious…very curious…if I had Dumbledory’s beard right now I’d be stroking it with a thoughtful expression…

“Right, well I had better be getting back to St.Mungo’s,” sighed Hope breaking me out of my thoughts. “Professor could I trouble you to for the use of your fireplace?”

“Erm Hope?” I asked quickly. Ignoring the strange looks from Dumbledory and Madame Pomfrey for the nickname that only Hope would understand; I stood carefully using the bed for support. “Please may I write to you?” I asked finding myself expecting her to say no, I mean why would anyone want to keep in touch with me? I was nothing but a poor girl living off the kindness of others. It was worth asking! I reassured myself.

“Of course!” she replied with a lifted tone. I stared blankly at her waiting for the ‘not!’ part of her answer but when she continued to pull out a piece of paper and hand it to me I knew my expectations were wrong. The piece of paper held a set of numbers with St.Mungo’s address underneath. “The top number is my pager number; if you address the letters to St.Mungos with my pager number at the top, it should reach me fairly quickly.” She smiled, which I returned.

Then Hope did something I was neither expecting nor experienced in a very long time; she hugged me gently. “Take care Robyn. Poppy it was lovely seeing you!” She said turning to Madam Pomfrey as they embraced. After exchanging a few more words, Dumbledory escorted Hope out of the hospital wing with the promise of visiting again tomorrow.

Before I knew it Madam Pomfrey had me ready for bed and was handing me my dreamless sleep potion, insisting I rest after my ‘exhausting’ day of traveling. Being too tired to complain I did as instructed and was asleep within minutes…

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