Quick Thinking

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Just to recap; I’m stood in the middle of the Quidditch pitch, in front of a passed out Harry, with a rogue Bludger soaring towards us. Quick thinking time!

Acting on instinct, I somehow harnessed the protective pull in my stomach and forced it to expand, causing the fire I felt against Craze and his cronies to flood into my veins; all my focus being used on the job in hand. Closing my eyes, I let the powerful fire engulf me head to toe while using the strength it gave me to push the protective knot out of stomach into my hands. When I felt it bubbling in my palms, I automatically rose my hands out above my head, to stop the Bludger. Pushing up with every cell in my body on the protective knot bubbling in my hands, I opened my eyes to see a kind of forcefield beginning to surround us like a see- through shield. Whacking out the ninja skills!

Although time seemed to slow as I did all of this, the Bludger did not. As soon as it made contact with the shield it bounced forcefully backwards, then attacked again; each hit felt like a punch to the stomach. The excruciating effort it took to hold the shield in place was beginning to take its toll, using as much effort as I could possibly manage, I pushed against the shield throwing it into the clouds as well as forcing the Bludger back with it. I had about 10-15 seconds before the Bludger would come flying back down towards us.

Desperately staring around, I noticed that the other Gryffindor players had landed now and were watching in shock; my eyes fell on the bat one of the redheaded twins was holding, giving me an idea. ‘Accio bat’ I thought clearly as I snapped my fingers, a second later it was in my possession. Looking up, I saw the Bludger getting larger as it got nearer, it’s you and me bludgy I thought as I spun the bat briefly in my hand before gripping it tightly and waiting to swing.

3…2…1…Using all the remaining strength in my body, since the fire had begun to fade, I swung full force at the Bludger causing a massive bang on impact, BOOM! Take that Bish! The force of my hit redirected it towards the redheaded twins who dived on it then started wrestling it into a box.

Exhaustion hit me in a massive wave as the exerted effort washed out of me. Shleepy Robyn. People began converging towards us, which I took as my cue to leave; with a last look at Harry who was still unconscious, I’ll probably see him later anyway, I focused on returning to Madam Pomfrey’s office in the hospital wing.

Upon landing in the office, I collapsed, being too tired to keep my eyes open anymore. The worried expression of Madam Pomfrey as she caught my fall and lowered me to the floor was the last thing I saw as I blacked out.

*    *     *

“Welcome back to Hell Rat! Ya’ve been avoiding me and now ya gonna be punished!” Master snarled menacingly charging towards me.

I began running. Running through the darkness into more darkness in this black corridor, did it end? For hours I ran, never running out of breath, never slowing, and never stopping. His heavy boots could be heard thudding from behind me, his loud steps echoing around in the nothingness.

For a minute I was hopeful; if I continued to run he couldn’t catch me. I’d thought too soon! A trip over air propelled me forward, landing me painfully on the ground; he swooped in like a hawk on its prey within a moment.

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