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 Although a small part of my mind cautioned me on how to handle this, the rest of me had only to take another look at the boys’ faces to burst out laughing all over again. “You….your…you should’ve…seen…” I tried to say struggling around my breathlessness, “your…faces!” I finished only to become overridden with childish giggles as I clung to the wall for support.

The boys stood frozen, seemingly un-amused by my hysterics at their expense but upon noticing them drop their shoulders slightly, I predicted that at some point tonight they would laugh at their obliviousness in being part of a prank, for a change. “Aren’t you the girl from the Quidditch pitch?” asked one incredulously.

“And the one that was in the hospital wing as well the duelling club?” Picked up the other in surprised curiosity. For a moment I found myself sobering up and looking at the boys cautiously, an uneasy feeling settling in my stomach. Change tact Robyn, divert their attention and lighten the mood, I thought quickly.

“Ask my friend, you met her a minute ago and she’s standing right behind you.” I chuckle, pointing behind them. Watching them whip around sharply with frightened expressions only resurrected my previous amusement. Turning back around again, their answering glares completed my prank while I struggled to contain my spontaneous fits of girlish giggles.

“Who’s there?” Echoed a sharp gruff voice through the corridor. Immediately my laughter seized; both the twins and myself fell quiet as we listened to the now dead silence between us. Faint footsteps could be heard dragging their way towards us down the next corridor. As the footsteps got louder, I couldn’t help but turn to look at the twins for their reactions; at first they met my gaze as they studied me with interest, however they soon turned to look at each with ‘deer in headlight’ expressions, which then turned into frowns. Neither of these expressions I understood and settled for assuming that they must know whoever was approaching.

In my own mind, panic paralyzed me to the spot as I worked feverishly through my mind to find a way out of the approaching predicament. On the one hand I wanted to stay, to watch the twins be told off for both their prank and mine, on the other I didn’t want my presence within the school to be known publicly or to be told off for roaming the castle causing trouble when I was only a guest here. It began to dawn on me that maybe this prank wasn’t such a good idea. Was the prank really worth the risk of being told to leave by Alby Jesus? I couldn’t, wouldn’t and certainly didn’t want to leave Hogwarts! Robyn you silly dow dow! Think first. Act later. I mentally criticize. Then ignore yourself anyway…this prank was the most fun you’ve had in ages!

A presence immediately filled me, originating from my locket, almost as though my body was being controlled by one of the person/persons from inside my locket and I was a mere spectator to my next actions. Just as the footsteps could be heard turning the corner into the corridor we were stood in, I threw a quick wink and cheeky smile to the twins before being apparating so abruptly that upon landing I felt disorientated with my surroundings. Apologies for that my sweet heart, it was the quickest and easy solution to mind. Explained the deep male voice from my locket earlier.

Erm thank you? I thought trying not to think of myself as possibly crazy. I now found myself stood peeking around the corner into the corridor I had just been standing in, a perfect position allowing for me to see without being seen, the twins getting told off. Watching in amusement, I listened to the boys argue and plead their case to a clearly unconvinced member of staff. “Cool it Filch, we haven’t done thing wrong.” Spoke one calmly.

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