t e n: two weeks

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As she walked past the Enchantress' stand, she realized it was closed as the barrels of apples were empty and the whole stand was vacant

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As she walked past the Enchantress' stand, she realized it was closed as the barrels of apples were empty and the whole stand was vacant.

She almost laughed at what the Enchantress had put herself through, and what precautions she'd taken to avoid her, which Sam thought was extremely unnecessary, it wasn't like she was going to kill her. She had no reason to anyway.

The Enchantress had helped her through some things that she could've asked her mom to teach her, but she hadn't felt like being yelled at by her, or seeing her for that matter. Her mother had truly not been a barrel of laughs the last couple of months and Sam hadn't wanted to see her, and be attached for things she didn't even do. Her mother took out the anger she had for Evie on her. Sam hadn't been for that. She wasn't going to let her mother attack her for the mistakes her sister made. She wasn't going to let her make her look in the mirror differently, even though she had.

Evie had been so perfect. Evie would never talk back to her. Evie, would do exactly what she wanted. Evie would always know how to make her feel better. Evie had been the one that had betrayed her but Sam was the one she took out her lent up anger on.

Sam was the one she was disappointed in. Sam could never be what Evie was. Because Sam wasn't Evie and that was that. Sam was her own person, and she didn't have to be like Evie to do it.

Sam walked through the doors of the shop, dropping her sword into the bin before making her way to where Uma stood at a table, thinking about things while Gil rambled on about what he'd done for the day, even if he knew Uma wasn't listening. Because Uma was in planning mode, for reasons nobody knew and for reasons people questioned her for.

Harry tapped his hook on the table, waiting for Gil to stop. He watched Sam sit down, taking her hand in his.

"Hi Uma." Sam said, though she received no answer from her. Uma was too deep in thought, that she didn't hear a word Sam had said. Sam snapped her fingers in Uma's face. "Uuuuuma."

"What do you need Sam?" Uma said, snapping her gaze to Sam, her eyes flickering to her hand, where she still held Harry's. "Noooo. Sam wby did you do it? You are so better than that."

"I have no idea what you're going on about." Sam said. "What were you thinking of? You were so deep in thought. You didn't even notice me."

"I was just thinking." Uma said. "Plotting. But why would you do that Sam." Uma pointed to their conjoined hands. "I told you not to get back together with him. But did you listen to me? Nooo. You had to go back with my idiot of a first mate that broke your heart in the first place."

"But I was trying to help you. I told you to not to go back when he's done fucking around." Uma said.

"Uma." Sam said, pouting. "I'm not even with him okay?"

"You know I'm right." Uma said, crossing her arms over her chest. "And you will be. I can feel it. And that you were messing with the wrong person. I told you he would fuck with your feelings because he's so unsure of his own."

Sam let it sink in for a minute.

"Because when it's all over." Uma said. "And you both realize this was all a mistake, it'd be much too late. And I care about you Sam. I don't want to see you hurt."

Sam pondered her words for a second, frowning.

"You don't deserve someone who keeps leaving you." Uma said. "You deserve someone who won't ever leave you. And won't come crawling back because no one can take his shit anymore."

"You know Uma." Sam said."if I wanted to be yelled at, I'd go see my mother. I don't need you to tell me what I can and can't do."

Sam and Uma stared at each other for a  good five minutes, before Gil decided to open his mouth.

"You know." Gil said. "Sam doesn't need to explain herself to you or to anyone. She's her own person."

"I'm not she's not," Uma said. "I'm just looking out for her because she can't do it herself."

"So me and Sam are together?" Harry said. "I had no idea."

"Hey guys!" Helia said, walking through the doors of the Shoppe. None of them bothered looking at her and she seemed to put pieces together. "Are Uma and Sam fighting?"

"Yeah." Gil said. "They have been for a few minutes now."

"What are they fighting about?" Helia asked, sitting next to Gil.

"Sam being with Harry." Gil said. "Uma told her not to and Sam isn't listening."

"Oh they're back together." Helia said. "Wanna bet how long it'll last?"

"Two weeks." Gil said. "They never last longer than that."

"I'll give 'em a month." Helia said. "They seem somewhat determined."

"How much we betting for?" Gil asked.

"A bag full of coins." Helia said. "I don't know how much yet. We'll see tomorrow." Helia turned to Sam and Uma who still glared at each other. "You two need to grow up and not be so picky about every little thing."

"I'm just trying to help her." Uma said. "Stay in your own business Hel,"

"But she doesn't want your help." Helia said. "Don't force it on her. And this is my business, okay? Sam's my friend as much as she is yours."

Harry and Gil watched Uma and Helia go back and forth, tossing insults at each other. Sam took the distraction as an opportunity to leave, sneaking out the door of the Shoppe, knowing she'd be looked for but not paying any mind to the idea, not even knowing where she was taking herself.

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