chapter 3: Mommy's Boy

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Emilia brought in little boy Schultz to her chamber within the cave, fingers still in his small mouth. Schultz was gagging in the Giant woman's idea of a pacifier, trying to get her finger off his mouuth. She pulls away, leaving him coughing on all fours.

"So, does my baby have a name?", she asked

"S-schultz", he said stuttering

Emilia smiled gently and puts him up to her giant lips. Schultz puts his hands on them trying to pull away, only to be kissed multipletimes, each kiss stronger than the last. She suddenly sneaks a lick.

"E-emila!?", Schultz screamed

"What do you mean? Respect me, I'm 'mommy', not 'Emilia', schultz", she gave a light squeeze to the boy.

Schultz felt her grip tighten, making him plead for her to stop. He starts to beat her firm hand with tiny punches that only made her squeeze more precise until his resistance was halted. He looks at her drooling a little from the squeeze.

"Aww, look at your little face", she smiled cleaning the drool with a finger

"P-please", he weakly squeaked

"Who am i?" She asked

"E-e...m-mommy?", he was doubtful

"Needs work, but yes, I'm your mother", she presses him to her face, trying to hug him without crushing him.

She took him to her room, it was basically nothing, but a rock broken to look like a bed, it was full of wool from sheep. She lied down and puts him in the foot of the bed.

"Okay, you sleep here, all this is yours", she smiled gently

"W-why down here", he looked over from the foot of the bed to fond a escape, jumping off is death.

"Don't want to crush you, I tend to move alot." She gave a giggle "my hus-", she stopped suddenly "...uh...none of you comcern, just sleep"

"M-mom", he hadn't gotten use to it, "c-can I go to school tomorrow"

She nodded "ofcourse, every little boy needs his education"

She pets her new son and playfully pokes his sides, making him resist with every poke, she gave a small laugh, but eventually stopped teasing him, so she could rest

"Mommy is sorry for roughing you up, know that I love you" she reminded

Schultz doubted every single word, but nodded, to avoid making her feel discontent towards him, if he is going to live without being squeezed, trampled, or eaten, he must keep her happy, little did he know, her intentions are pure.

"Goodnight" she whispered

Schultz nods and curls up at the foot of the bed, it took long, but he manages to finally fall asleep.

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