chapter 23: The Last Mercy

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The huntress runs for her life, seeing how the tank follows her and how a zeppelin, biggest she has ever seen, looms over her. She hears the shots being fired as they hit near her, the ground suffers heavily, due to the explosives and the substances in the container. Emilia ran and pants desperately, she screams when 4 machine gun shots hit her.

Holding her shoulder, she runs, not looking back at the zeppelin that targets her relentlessly. The tank zussman rides gives chase to the poor giant, who was scarred out of her wits as she entered very unsettling territory. The ground was like gravel, her feet sink into the floor, as the gravel breaks under her. The zeppelin prepares a second round of shots.

Emilia enters a cave to escape the zeppelin sights, the war machine flies over head of the mountain, they don't fire, awaiting orders. Zussman stared attentively at the cave and waits for a sound.

"Panzer #527 open fire with the main gun, I need the airship on standby" he ordered

The tank fired a shell at the cave, it took 3 seconds for it to hit a wall, hit flew past Emilia as she nervously ran in. She took cover behind some rocks and peeks out as the tank follows in, ramming everything.

"Tap twice if you are ok" she said quickly.

As soom as the 2 taps were given, she kept running, the tank still able to see her. The order to fire the secondary gun was given. The machine gun fires hitting the huge target. Emilia was getting battered from behind, but she masters strength and breaks through the wall. She walked over more gravel and it slides down the ledge. She nervously looks back at the cave, hearing the tank. She was essentially trapped at the ledge.

"Dear lord... I have no where left to run to..." she looks back, her eyes wide open.

The tank's headlights can bee seen flickering and explosions can be heard as it shoots through even the smallest obstacle. The cave shook a bit. Emilia had thoughts of jumping, but the zeppelin had her in its sights, she received orders to halt. She had no other choice, she stops, since the drop was long and if she wants to climb down, she'll end up being shot down.

The tank slowly, but surely comes out. It's guns clocks, having run out of ammunition, they have one shell left.

"Get me close... she is mine and I won't miss... not this time", zussman said.

The heavy tank slowly goes towards the guantess, who held her hands up, she looks around and sigh. Schultz nervously presses his head against the wall of the stomach, he hears the tank coming close.

"What now?" He asked

She whispers "I don't think I can get out of this one"

Emilia closes her eyes as the tank gets closer. The tank runs through her footprint, given the fact she had put a lot of pressure on the false ground, the tank took it, adding the last weight needed. The ground shook, there is silence.

"IDIOTS GET ME OUT OF THIS!", the desperate captain orders

"Ugh!! I can't sir, she has no traction!"

The tank starts to slide off the cliff. Zussman tries to get the last shot, firing a shell, but he misses her by a hair. Emilia froze and saw this as the end, but she remembered that the man had a family home and knew what was it like to lose them. In instinct, she jumps forward and grabs the tank by the gun at the last second. She sighs in relief and places it before her.

The officer with a grudge grabbed the radio "that's your last mistake... I need the airship to bomb the cliff, over"

There is silence "sorry, sir, I decline that order", a trooper in the zeppelin said, all he had to do was flip the switch.


"Sorry, sir, the woman saved your life... she prevented your wife from becoming a widow and your son a ophan... please... look at reason..."

"I cant.. her kind don't deserve life.."

"Her kind maybe, but she does..."

"What then!? Let her roam?!" He asked

"I say we take her back and let the kaiser decide", he addresses the giantess  now "ma'am, would you please comply?"

Emilia looks up at the monstrous ship "yes..."

Zussman angrily said "...comply...back to the city"

Emilia walks with the tank and airship back to the walled city. She nervously stares at it and only has hope. She didn't plan on running, on her honor she will keep her word to join the troops back at the kaiser's place. What would her verdict be, it's hard to tell.

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