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As soon as we make it into our apartment door I tackle jimin into a lustful kiss.

I swip my tongue on his bottom lip asking for entrance and he grants it, sucking hard on his tongue lip bruising it.

He wraps his hands around my neck and legs straddling my hips and I walk up to the door locking it.

I walk up to our bedroom never leaving each others lips and throw him on the bed pulling apart for air.

jimin is panting as I attack his neck and suck on the same hickeys from earlier.

Jimin moans as his hands find their way to my shirt and undoing it working on the buttons one by one and once he's done he  unbuttons my pants leaving me in only my boxers.

I then take it upon me and strip him out of his clothes leaving him bare naked.

I trail my mouth down from his neck to his stomach to meet his leaking, red and angry cock and kiss his tip and he throws his head back. 

''mmh fuck" he mumbles

I then move down in between his thighs and lick his gaping hole he gasps as my hot breath hits his pink hole and I watch as it clenches and unclences with need.

"Please Daddy I need your tongue inside me please oh God" he whines.

Without warning I shove my tongue inside and his toes curl as he grips the bedsheets tightly.

"Ohh fuck" he tries to push himself deeper, I tsk and smack his butt.

"Such a greedy slut" I continue to flick my tongue in and out.

"O-only for you Daddy" he moans.

I feel myself getting harder and harder by the second as I keep thrusting my tongue at a fast pace and Jimin moans louder and I add a finger which hits prostate.

"T-there, there! Fuck" he cries.

"Cum for me princess, cum" and seconds later jimin shots out hot cum and it lands on his stomach.

I then pull out my tongue and finger.

I stroke my neglected cock and align myself by his entrance and thrust in and Jimin whimpers from over sensitivity as I pound Into him at an animalistic pace.

I spread out jimin's cheeks and watch as how my dick enters in and out, his eyes rolling back as I hit his prostate over and over.

The only sound that can be heard is jimin's moan, our skin slapping.

I feel jimin clench around my length as his legs shake and cums for the second time.

I continue to pound Into Jimin and I feel the familiar burning sensation by my stomach.

I give it my all as my movements become slower and sloppy with three more thrust I cum deep Inside jimin and he gasps at the sudden feeling of being full once again.

I pull out and watch at how my cum drips out of his clenched hole trying to keep my cum in, I reach out for the drawers and pull out a butt plug and push it into his hole and he whines.

"There now you can keep my hot cum inside you all night" he giggles and snuggles in closer into my neck inhaling my scent.

"I love you" he gently kisses my neck and shuts his eyes closed.

"I love you too Minnie so much" I kiss his forehead and I feel my eyes getting heavy and slowly shut my eyes.


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