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The day for me to leave the hospital has finally come, I've been dreading to leave Hospital and I can finally go home with soojin and Jungkookie.

Jungkook promised to stop by in the afternoon to pick us up. In the meanwhile hoseok and tae came to pay me a visit.

"She's so cute, she totally resembles Jungkook" tae says.

Tae gave birth to his son Jae kyun months  ago and hasn't left the house because he's overly protective of him which I don't blame him for it's his son after all.

Soojin starts to fuss in tae's arms and he hands her back to me.

"Fussy one I see, I wonder who she got it from" he smirks and looks at me.

I roll my eyes and chuckle "shut up you sassy bitch" I remark.


Tae and hoseok ended up staying a bit longer until hoseok and tae had to leave because they had plans.

An hour later Jungkook comes in with my release papers.

"Hey, love ready to go home" walking over to kiss my cheek.

"Yeah, I'm tried of being in this hell hole".

"Okayyy" he takes a sit next to me "let's fill these papers out and go home yeah"


Jungkook gets out the keys to unlock the door  with a big grin and when he unlocked it…

"WELCOME BACK HOME JIMIN!" Loud cheers ring in my ears as I'm beyond shocked.

"Omg you guys, you didn't have to…scare me like that please I nearly had a heart attack" I breathe out a laugh holding my hand to my chest while Jungkook walks in with soojin in the carrier.

The air in my lungs were shortly knocked out by Jin engulfing me in a tight hug.

"I missed you too hyung…but can you like let go of me i need to breathe and I'm kinda still in pain" Jin quickly let's go of me with tears threatening to fall out.

"You scared me back there, i-I thought I almost lost my little brother" his voice cracking at the last part.

"Hey, don't cry I'm here now so please don't cry because if you do then I'm gonna cry". 

Namjoon walks over and hugs the crying jin wiping off his tears.

"Are y'all done crying now because we wanna get this baby shower going" taehyung says.

Confusion fills my face "baby shower?".

"Yeah, this is your baby shower since you didn't have one, because we all didn't know so consider this as your baby shower" hoseok says and I let out a "oh".

"Thank you guys I really appreciate it" I smile.

"Ah don't sweat it, now let's get this party going" I laugh at tae while wiping my right eye.


The party was a blast besides the fact that Jin had soojin hurled up in his arms throughout the whole thing and I'm surprised she hadn't cried but only to be fed besides that she and jin had a bonding session.

Hours later it was getting dark and everybody had left and now it's just the three of us getting ready for bed.

"So good to be back home" I say plopping down on the bed

Jungkook then plops himself on top of me so he's hovering me.

" yeah I'm so glad you're back, it's been really boring" he says pecking my lips after each word.

He then kisses me with nothing but passion, but the kiss turns heated and he grins on me making me moan.

The heated make out was soon interrupted by loud cries and Jungkook groans and rolls off me, I chuckle "when duty calls"


The next week was tough as soojin woke up at ungodly hours, and both Jungkook and I were extremely tired, but had to live up to the expectations.

Jungkook kept opposing to change the diapers and stuck with feeding her because "it's not that hard" he said when he first time he tried changing her diaper and two minutes in he gave up looking very frustrated and not to mention it was a very poopy one.

I thought it was funny how he came out looking not only frustrated but with the look of horror.

But all in it, soojin was a happy always laughing whenever Jungkook would play peek-a-boo,  Moments like those I'd cherish forever and we figured that she always sleeps in giving both much needed sleep. 

I feel bad for not updating as much because I'm busy with some shit at home so I haven't been in the mood to update, but I'll try update as much

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I feel bad for not updating as much because I'm busy with some shit at home so I haven't been in the mood to update, but I'll try update as much.

Also this book is nearly to 1k like wtf… thank you guys so much.


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