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Five months passed.

And our wedding planning has been coming out smoothly, yesterday we went to check out our venue and we chose an outdoor theme.

We just got home from cake tasting and Jimin kept complaining about his feet hurting? So we had to hurry and leave.

Jimin is taking a nap while I cook food for us before he wakes up because he's gonna wake up whining for food.

before leaving we invited the min family as well has the kim family taehyung couldn't make it because he was taking care of their baby. 


Jimin woke up five minutes before the hoseok and yoongi arrived with their baby. Min Soyeon.

Jimin completely fell head over hills for the little bundle swopping her up giving her butterfly kisses on her face little laughs leaving her small mouth honestly it's a beautiful sight.

But another knock pulls me away from the sight. I open the door revealing namjoon and jin hyung.

"Hey guys so great to see you" I hug both namjoon and jin and let them inside.

Namjoon, yoongi and I head to the kitchen to grab some drinks and talk while jimin, hoseok and jin blab about baby stuff.

It's around late pm and min family leaving with a whiny baby in hand namjoon and jin left after having to go pick up their kids at jin's aunt.

Jimin takes a quick shower before jumping into bed and we cuddle close to each other.

I kiss jimin goodnight as we both of drift off to sleep, neither of us knowing that the peaceful sleep will soon be interrupted.


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