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it's been 4 weeks since Jin's house party and I haven't been my best.

I would always wake up with the urge to throw up, and kept my distance with the the food I like to eat because it will result me to sprinting to the toilet and throwing up.

I just woke up with the urge to throw up once again, so I get up and run to the bathroom and puke out last night's food.

Jungkook comes in seconds later rubbing my back as I'm practically hugging the toilet seat.

"Babe you need to see the doctor about this", he says again he's been telling me to go to the clinic for the past 3 weeks but I kept refusing.

"No, it's probably the food I ate it will eventually go away" as I stand up to brush my teeth and wash my face.

"I hope so because if this goes on for another week I'm dragging you to the clinic whether you like it or not" Jungkook frowns.

Sorry short chapter

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