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"Hyung I'm a father"

Jungkook couldn't help the grin spreading across his face as the words left his mouth.

Yes he and Jimin never talked about having children but this was all so unexpected and they are now more than ready to welcome the newborn with open arms and become the best parents they could possibly be.

"Hey kook don't stress too much about it, I know you are going to make a wonderful dad and so is jimin" Jin reassures the younger.

"Welcome to the Parenthood life" namjoon laughs but it doesn't last as jin elbows him.

"It's not that…bad, I mean sure there will be ups and downs with the baby since you're first time parents but apart from that you'll surely love the Parenthood life" Jin smiles as he glares at namjoon who just shrugs.


Jin and namjoon offered to stay a few more minutes to give Jungkook a few tips about taking care of a baby until it was time for them to leave but made sure to tell Jungkook to give them a call if they need help with anything.

Now Jungkook was sitting alone arms crossed as he laid his head back against the wall 'what a dangerously long night' he thought and let out a long sigh.

"Mr Jeon?" A nurse with brown short hair and hazel eyes called out stepping out of the room jimin was in.

"Yes, is everything all right?, is he ok?" The nurse picked up Jungkook anxiousness and have him a genuine smile. 

"Yes Mr Jeon your husband is holding on extremely good, would you like to see him?"

Jungkook nodded viciously.

"Please," he really wanted to see jimin "and the baby when do we get to see her?

"You can see her now or you can wait till your husband's awake and you both can see her".

Jungkook thought for a second and he thought it would be better if he and Jimin got to see her together.

"I think I will wait till he wakes up then"

The nurse nodded

"Ok, Right this way sir" she lead him to the room "but he may not wake up now" the nurse said opening the door for him and Jungkook walked in and she closed to door.

Jungkook's eyes instantly landed on jimin as his body looked so pale and so fragile with a breathing mask on him Jungkook just wanted to hold him close and pepper him kisses.

He moved cautiously to jimin's side his eyes never leaving him, he took hold of the elders hand and kissed his forehead.

"I love you" he said and pulled a chair so he could sit besides him. He felt his eyes getting heavier, it was a long and chaotic night after all and he didn't want to go home not without jimin and his daughter in hand.

So he looked around and saw a couch and he let out a small 'yes' and moved there instead, he threw his tired body on the couch and shut his eyelids.


One week passed and Jimin was rather recovering quickly.

He and Jungkook went to see their baby daughter the same day he woke up and demanded Seeing his daughter.

He could've sworn that he didn't carry the baby for a whole nine months judging by the way he didn't show any signs of pregnancy besides vomiting his guts out every morning and his cranky moods yeah he could never forget that, but nonetheless he survived and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that had his pink Rosy cheeks, plump lips and his nose the rest was just Jungkook having his eyes  and the bunny smile.

Right now they were in the baby Ward jimin holding his daughter close to him.

"She looks just like you kookie" jimin giggled as he watched how she squirmed in his arms her eyes still closed while smiling.

"Yeah but she still has some of your features, as long as she has the same bright pink lips like her mom then im certainly not complaining, isn't that right soojin?" He bent down to kiss her little hand.

"Soojin?" Jimin asked his brow perking up and the corner of his lip curving slightly forming a smirk.

"Huh…oh I just thought I could name her while you still think of other names for her, I mean you can still change it" he stood up straight scratching his neck nervously smiling sheepishly.

"I love it" jimin blurted out smiling "don't you soojin" he said while the baby grabbed ahold of his thumb a smile appearing.

"Really" Jungkook squeaked hint of joy radiating his voice. 

"Jeon soojin, we love it"

*Sniff* *sniff* I'm soft for baby soojin. 

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