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It's just you and i— nobody else…



Jungkook was way too eager to find what his present is the moment they stepped in their room.

Jimin stepped closer to Jungkook so they were chest to chest and kissed him. Jimin broke away and pulled off the belt from his gown and let the whole gown drop to the floor.

Jungkook's eyes widen and his jaw slacks as jimin stands in front of him.

His Adam's apple bobbing as he gulps, his eyes scan up and down at jimin's figure. For a second jimin thought he stopped breathing.

"Kookie?" Jimin cocks his head testing to see if he's still alive or not.

"Holy shit" he breathes out "i—fuck" jimin smirks seeing as how his fiancé is struggling to form a sentence.

"Happy birthday" jimin twirls around slowly causing Jungkook to inhale a sharp breath.

"You like it?" Jimin asks innocently Jungkook nodding his head vividly.

"You look so good…fuck, I could just I mean i- shit  you look… damn".

He gulps heavily when jimin sways his body walking towards him.

Jimin tip toes to his ear and whispers "only for you daddy" slowly moving his hand down Jungkook's chest and cupping his dick and Jungkook's body stiffens.

"only you" he said squeezing his dick lightly Jungkook's breath halts as jimin kisses his jaw down his neck and hisses as jimin bites down sucking on his neck hard.

"Shit" he breathes out finally making a move, moving his hands down his back, slowly drifting down to cup his ass causing jimin to gasp lowly and Jungkook let's a growl of satisfaction.

His hands explore, grabbing Jimin's ass and squeezing it before nibbling on his ear lobe.

Jimin breaks away grabbing his hand leading him to the bed where the blindfold and cuffs are situated on a pillow.

Jimin turns around facing Jungkook pulling him by his shirt and stripping him out of it and tosses it to the ground, next was his pants and Jimin didn't hesitate dropping down to the floor and unbuckling his belt button pulling the pants down leaving him in his boxers.

Jimin gets up and pushes Jungkook down on the bed and grabs the blindfold, climbing on his lap and wrapping it around his head, now that he can't see jimin he grins as his hands find their way to jimin's ass.

Jimin chuckles moving Jungkook's hands off his ass and pinning them above his head and hooking them on the headboard using the cuffs.

Jimin can see the bulge poking through Jungkook's boxers, licking his lips jimin leans in forward kissing him hard, Jungkook doesn't hesitate to add in his tongue dominating him.

Jimin pushes his ass down Jungkook's clothed dick and he hisses.

"Daddy" jimin moans out "what do you want me to do?"

Jungkook tilts his head to the side his vision blurred he bucks up to jimin's ass

Jimin hooks his arms around Jungkook's neck and moans slightly out of words

"Want you to please me, make daddy cum yeah" he bucks up again this time harder and Jimin grips his neck harder a loud moan leaving his plump lips.

"Y-yes daddy, anything for you" he breathes out climbing down positioning himself in between his thighs and  yanking his boxers down releasing a raging erection red, begging for relief.

Jimin wraps his hand on his large veiny erection and he drools at the sight slowly stroking him loving how he jerks slightly

"Now what?" Jimin asks innocently, smirking seeing how Jungkook's chest heaves before speaking.

"Suck, baby".

~~~~~~~~~~~~ • ~~~~~~~~~~~~

To be continued…

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