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"Oh my God I swear I'm going to throw up"

jimin fanned himself hence it was too hot or it was because of the nerves.

After years of being together, here they were making their love for each other official.

And now here he was, getting ready to marry his best friend, the father of his daughter, his savior when he feels like he's about to hit rock bottom and the love of his life.

"Hey kiddo" Mrs Park walked in with soojin in her arms.

"Mom hey" he greeted his mom with a warm hug "hey angel" he took soojin from his mother's arms and smothered her in butterfly kisses, she squirms in his hold busting into laughter as he tickles her.

Mrs Park smiles at the cute interaction between her granddaughter and son "you ready?"

Jimin was nervous to the point that he didn't know what to do with himself, but it was now or never.

The guests were already waiting so he handed Soo back to his mother and took a deep breath and nodded he made his way down the hall and was greeted by seokjin namjoon.

Seokjin looked handsome in his baby pink suit and black tie while namjoon also looked good in a grey suit.

"You look amazing, jimin!" Seokjin exclaimed. 

"Thank you" he blushed "so do you" he gave seokjin a hug.

"Come it's time, out you go" seokjin pushed jimin forward until he was facing the door.

He gave his mom and brother one last smile, his mother passed the baby down to seokjin and hooked her arm around jimin's and smiled as namjoon opened the doors.

The venue was beautiful, every detail was in place people seated in chairs that were dressed in white cloths tied up by thick gold strings, trees covered in beautiful Vails.

Various of different flowers were scattered all around including the aisle.

He looked around and saw his friends and family and then his eyes landed on Jungkook, their eyes locked and Jimin could've sworn that he saw Jungkook's eyes watery.

He shifted moving his feet anxiously along with the music and his mom followed.

The grin on Jungkook's face grew with every step jimin took as he kept his eyes locked with jimin the entire time.

When jimin reached Jungkook they both smiled and joined hands.

The priest began his speech.


After what felt like forever the priest stopped his speech.

Jimin's breath hitched when Jungkook slid the wedding band on his finger he looked down on his finger and wiggled it.

Jungkook grinned widely as jimin slipped the wedding band on his finger.

Once the priest declared them husband and husband, they kissed. It was sweet and passionate filled with nothing but love and emotion.

Jungkook couldn't ask for more he had everything he'd ever dream of. A beautiful daughter and the most supporting and the most beautiful husband. What more could he ask for?

UNEXPECTED - Jikook ✓ Where stories live. Discover now