Chapter 1

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I looked down at my phone to check the time, and noticed it was almost lunch time. I ran to my room and changed into an oversized t-shirt and nike running shorts. Then I decided to go take my dog Max out for a walk by the beach, then grab some lunch on the way home if I was hungry. "Max come here" I said. He then came running to me so I attached the leash to his collar.

Once we got to the beach I felt a warm breeze hit my face which blew my hair away in every direction possible, so I quickly tied it into a high pony tail, then I plugged in my headphones in and listened to some chill music, as Max walked right by my side.

About five minutes later I look up and see some dude on his skateboard coming straight towards us. I started to panic a little but I thought to myself that he would move, but he didn't and we ended up crashing into one another.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, so I didn't have anytime to move out of the way. I fell on the ground really hard, hitting my left wrist on the concrete and immediately I felt a sharp pain starting to grow inside. I also scraped my knees and saw some blood drip down my leg.

I noticed that Max was gone so I started to panic again, barley being able to stand up when I see a really cute girl run up to me with Max.

"Omg are you okay!" she asked me with a worried look on her face.

"Uh I think so, some guy just crashed into me with his skateboard" I said as I looked around to see where he went, but he didn't see him anywhere in sight.

"Are you sure? because it looks like you broke your wrist" the girl said while pointing at my left hand, which was bruised and started to swell up.

"Yeah, I think its broken, but thank you for getting Max for me you didn't have to" I said shyly.

"Not a problem at all, I love dogs. My name's Bille, whats yours?" she said as she reached her hand out to shake my good one.

"Emily. I love your name its really cool!" I said while shaking her hand, it was so soft and warm

"thanks" Billie said as she handed Max's leash to me.

"lets get you to the hospital now, shall we?" said Billie.

"that would be great thanks" I said.



Once we got to the hospital I parked the car in the first parking spot I saw. I helped Emily get out of the car. keeping my arm around her to make sure she didn't fall.

"don't worry about Max he will be fine by himself " said Emily

"are you sure he will?" I said.

"yeah he will" said Emily in a painful tone.

"can you walk?" I asked, because she was limping pretty bad.

"I can, I just hurts a lot" she replied.

I don't even know her that well, but man there was something about her. I just couldn't stop thinking about. I think I like her...

I knew she was in pain so I scooped her up into my arms, now carrying her like a baby. My baby.

"you didn't have to do that" she said, with a smile on her face.

I grinned and said "of course I did babe"

she blushed at my comment and tried to conceal it with her hands.

"aw don't hide it, I think its cute" I said.

We entered through the giant doors of the busy hospital and I was immediately hit with that hospital smell which made my stomach quench. A nurse came running up to us, asking what happened and other basic stuff, then escorted us into a private room.

We waited in the room in silence for the doctor to come and examine Emily's wrist. Until she broke the awkward silence between us by saying, "thanks for all the help Bille I really appreciate it."

"of course Emily" I said as I smiled at her.

The Doctor came in and made me leave the room because I wasn't related to Emily. Which was alright, but I would rather be in there and make sure she was okay.

As the Doctor came out of the room he said "she will be alright, she just has a small fracture in her wrist that's all. You can go in now if you want."

"Thank's Doc" I said while shaking his hand and went inside.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked

"Much better." She said, God she looked so cute in that oversized shirt of hers and with that cast on her arm she kinda looked like a badass.

"that's great!" I said, "Can I have your number? maybe we could hangout sometime soon?" I asked.

"I wold love that" Emily replied and we handed each other our phones. I typed in my number and for the name I wrote "Billie💗" She gave me my phone back and surprisingly she put the same thing for mine just with her name.

"No fucking way, we put the same emoji" I said to her

"Haha really? That's so funny" she said laughing.


Some time passes and we got to talking. I told her about my entire childhood and what it was like to be homeschooled etc. And we just sat there in the room for hours talking about our lives and everything about us. I felt so at peace and comfortable talking with her I loved it.


I loved talking to Bille, everything about her was so mesmerizing and I quickly realized that I was starting to have feelings for her. But I doubt she likes me back. I remembered that the Doctor told me I had to spend the night, which was odd considering the fact that I only fractured my wrist but oh well I didn't really care that much. I told Bille that she didn't have to stay the night but she insisted to do so, so I called one of the nurses and they brought Billie a pillow and some blankets to sleep on the couch.

As I laid on the hospital bed all I could think about was Bille, her laugh, her eyes and just everything about her just made me so happy that I started to smile a little without realizing.

"whatcha thinking about" I heard Billie say from across the room.

"oh just nothing" I said as I looked up at her while I felt my cheeks burning up from embarrassment.

"nothing?" "If It was nothing you wouldn't be smiling" Billie said with a grin on her face

It was like she knew I was thinking about her.

"yeah nothing" was all I said

"alright, well its getting late I'm gonna sleep" Billie said with a smile

"goodnight Bille" I said

"goodnight love" said Bille. Which made my smile as I drifted off to sleep.

I hope you guys liked this. Sorry if it seemed cheesy or dry, this is the first story I have every written on here but I know my writing will improve over the upcoming chapters. I would appreciate any advice/ feedback as to what should happen next.

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