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Hey guys I'm so sorry for not publishing a new chapter. I really am. Life has been really hard rn and friends and family aren't the nicest at the moment. I truly have no excuse but I'm trying my best to get back up on my feet and put something up for y'all. Idk when the next chapter will come but I'm planning on it soon. Again I'm just really sorry and I fell like I've let you all down. I know some of you really like this story and support me so much and I really appreciate that. I really do. Anyway thanks for listening to me rant. I just hate life rn and anxiety is getting the best of me. I hope you guys are okay and if you have any AP tests or any tests/finals coming up just know that you can do it and I believe in every single one of you guys.

Love -jaclyn💗

Sorry again :(

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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