Chapter 7

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A/n (guys please vote I worked hard on this)

Emilys POV

I woke up and noticed that I was wearing different clothes. "Thats weird" I thought to myself. I didn't remember getting out of the car last night.

I figured billie must have carried me out and changed my clothes for me.

Just that thought of her and how caring she is caused a smile to form on my face.

My stomach starts growling at me so I slide out of billies arms without waking her up and go to the kitchen. I check my phone and saw a text from Tegan.

*message from Tegan*

I unlocked my phone to see what she sent

Tegan: hey girl, can I come over?

Emily: yeah of course! is everything okay?

Tegan: I'm good just wanted to hangout before you leave.

Emily: sounds good, see u in 10 min?

Tegan: yup

I quickly eat some cereal and put on I put on the show called "The Vampire Diaries" on Netflix to watch until Tegan gets here.

She walks right in the house without even knocking. She doesn't have to because we are really close friends.

"hey max!" she said bending down to pet him as he jumped up and down in excitement while licking her face.

"ew max stop that" I say and he goes back to chewing his tennis ball

"hey you, I missed you so much come here" I say reaching my arms out to give her a hug

"Aw I missed you too!" she says a little too loud

"shh, billie is sleeping upstairs, she'll hear you" I whisper yell at her

"oh okay sorry. So hows everything so far?" she says as we go sit down on the couch.

"you mean when I went to visit my dad?"


"well..." I trailed off, but based on my facial expression she assumed it didn't go to well.

"that bad huh?"

"T it was awful. he's in a coma, and my mom wasn't happy to see me at all." I started tearing up just from thinking about it.

she gave me a sad smile and held my hand.

I continued to tell her everything that went down, and how billie stood up for me. I'm just glad I didn't lose my friends too. I would do anything for her and Katie, they are like the sisters I never had.

"aw I'm so sorry Em, I'm so glad that you and billie are together and how happy she makes you feel. I truly am happy for you. I haven't seen you that happy since.. well before.."

"I know.. but thanks Tegan I really appreciate that" I say as she gave me a side hug and kissed my cheek.

I don't have feelings for her or anything but we are just close friends you know? So none of that is weird to us. Its the same thing with Katie too. We all grew up together and went to the same school and have been besties ever since.

my arm starts to itch and I try to scratch it over my cast but it does not work.

"hey T I'm going to get a ruler I'll be back In a sec"

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