Chapter 5

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I thought I would write a chapter today for you guys in honor of Billies debut album being released! Comment what you thought of it. Anyways I hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

Emily's POV

I heard voices coming from outside of my
room. I opened my eyes and noticed Billie was gone.

I listened in on the conversation she was having. I hear a mans voice coming through the other end of the phone. The man said " we are coming back in a day then you are going on tour for 2 weeks."

"What! Your kidding me right? I can't just leave right away."

"Billie I'm sorry but mike said it has to be this way"

"I can't leave Emily all alone. Tell Mike I say no! I need at least a weeks notice."

"Billie calm down. We will be back soon and we can talk about this in person. I'll try my best to him convince him, but I highly doubt he will change his mind. The most he could probably do is let Emily come with you" the man said over the phone.

"Ugh fine. Fly safe, tell mom and dad I say hi"

"I will. Bye Billie I love you"

"Love you to bro, call me when you land"

"I will"

I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes. Right before Billie walks in. She's not looking up from her phone.

" hey you" I say

She just looked up at me and gave me a quick smile and plopped down on the bed next to me taking a deep breath in. I could tell she was stressed but I didn't want her to know I was eavesdropping on her conversation.

"Hey is everything okay?

"Ugh Yeah. My family is coming back tomorrow and right after I'm leaving for tour for two weeks. It's just so stressful because my "don't smile at me" album just released a month ago and I need time to practice and stuff. I'm done with my manager constantly dropping random dates out of the blue. I just wanna end me."

"Aw don't say that bil. I'm sorry this is stressing you out. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, I just hate it when my manager drops information like this. But it's fine I guess I'll just get my practice in when we do sound check" she said shaking her head and fiddles with her rings.

" well.. I do have a piano, and a couple of other instruments if you need to use them just let me know"

"Wait wait wait. You play piano?" She said smiling.

"Um.. yeah. I also play the guitar and ukulele." I started laughing.

"Please play me something?" She asks begging me.

"No way. I'm not as good as you. You should be the one playing for me instead. I suck at singing."

"Come on em please, just one song?" She said grabbing my hand

"Okay fine. Anything for you" I smiled rolling my eyes slightly

Billies POV

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