Chapter 6

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Emilys POV:

"Emily... will you be my girlfriend?" billie said as she looked deep into my eyes.

"Yes of course I do!" I said practically screaming in excitement and hugged her.

She squeezed me tight not letting go until I did. Billie kissed my forehead as a tear rolled down my eye.

"I hope those are happy tears"

"yeah" my voice cracked but I just started to cry even more and rested my head in my hands.

"hey its okay, he will be fine nothing to worry about. Remember we are going to go visit tomorrow? " she put her arm around me and gently kissed the side of my cheek. She knew exactly what I was thinking about.

"what about your tour? You said your family is coming tomorrow and you're leaving."

"tour is the last thing thats on my mind right now. I made a promise to you and I intend on keeping it. if I have to I will extend the dates for a couple days later. I can call my brother tomorrow and figure things out. You are more important and I will do anything to make you happy."

"okay" was all I managed to get out. I am really happy that billie and I are finally dating but I just keep on remembering what happened with my dad, and It made me even more upset. I started having flashbacks to that horrible day and everything I tried to do to make them stop they wouldn't go away.

I remember my parents cursing me out, my dad shoving me down the stairs. my brother crying in his room begging me to stay. It was like I had this voice In my head that kept on bringing up only bad memories all the time. it wouldn't leave.

"get out of my head!" I yelled

"em whats going on?" she sounded concerned but I ignored her only to listen to the voice in my head.

"look what you did Emily. this is all your fault. your whole family hates you. Now billie hates you too"

I push billies arm off of me get up off the bed and start to hit my head trying to get this voice out.

"shut up" I yelled hitting myself harder

billie grabbed both of my wrists and held them down. The voice went away and I just melted in her arms crying again my eyes now blood shot and puffy.

"are you okay? what just happened?" Billies voice was so soothing it made me feel better.

"I... I have this.. voice in my.. head and it won't.. leave." the words came stuttering out of my mouth.

"what is it saying?"

"that everything thats happened is my fault and everyone hates me"

"you know thats not true, don't listen to it. Is there anything that I can do to stop it?"

"I don't really know. Can you just stay here and hold me?"

"Anything for you babygirl. Come lets go to bed" she gestured towards the bed and I sat down not bothering to change my clothes.

she sat down first and patted the empty space between us. I filled it by laying down next to her and leaned my head on her stomach. billie put her hand on my arm, rubbing it up and down comforting me as I try to get some rest.

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