chapter 8

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Hey peeps! please vote it would mean a lot to me :) I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!

Billie's POV:

My alarm clock started to go off. It was 5:00 am, the day we leave for my tour! I was so excited that I didn't get any sleep last night. Which I know is bad but, my sleep schedule is all over the place and I can never fall asleep on time. I turn off my alarm and head down to the kitchen.

I look in the pantry and to my luck there were beans. I made eight burritos and some extra ones for Emily and yes I did eat them all. I scrolled through my tagged pictures and liked some of the edits my fans made. I am forever grateful for them and love them with all my heart. I check the time and it was 5:24 and I think Emily is still sleeping. I walk up the stairs and peek my head in her room. She was sound asleep, and I've got a good idea on how to wake her up.

"baby, wake up" I gently shake her in hopes of waking her but that didn't work.

"Em come on its already 5:30 and I know it's early but you have to get ready we're leaving at six"

I wait a couple of seconds and still nothing

I start to leave kisses from her cheek to her jawline and slowly make my down to the crook of her neck leaving a small hickey. Then come back up.

Still nothing! Wow, this was harder than I thought.

I pull the covers off of her and in response she curls up into a ball. I felt bad waking her up but we really have to go or else mike's gonna kill me.

I pull her legs so they are straight and straddle her torso. I kiss her lips softly and to my surprise, she kissed back and pulled me in closer to her.

"Well, good morning sleeping beauty," I say.

"Hey baby, what time is it?" she sat up rubbing her eyes awake

"it's adventure time" I chuckle to myself at my joke

"huh?" she had no idea what I was referencing

"nevermind. Come on and get dressed when you're come downstairs I made you an extra burrito"

"okay thank you" she kissed my cheek

*thirty minutes later*

"em come on let's go, we are running late" I yell across the house about to exit the front door

"Shit! billie do you have a tampon or something?" she yells back

"no I don't. Aren't there any under the sink?"


"well... it's okay don't worry, we can run to the store on the way there I guess"

"what! I need one now" she whines

"I don't fucking know just use some toilet paper or something"

"Ugh fine you're no help"

about five munites later she comes down the stairs and we hop into the tour bus. Thank god Mike stopped at a gas station because I really didn't feel like explaining to him what just happened.

"okay I'll be back soon, do you want anything from inside?" Emily asks me

"can you pleasseee get me some takis?"

"haha I saw that one coming" she laughs and walks out the bus

"what the fuck is that supposed to mean" I thought to myself

I decided to go sit on the couch until Emily comes back.

*new message from Em💗*

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