Chapter 3

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Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying this so far. Just a fair warning there is a part towards the end of the chapter that has some harsh language so you might want to skip over it if you aren't comfortable with it. I am a new writer but please don't give up on me because I promise the chapters will get longer and much more interesting. I would appreciate if y'all could vote/comment if you have any feedback or ideas for the upcoming chapter. Sincerely, Jaclyn (the writer)


I woke up from a loud noise coming from outside. The noise grew louder and louder by the second. "what the hell is going on out there" I whispered to myself.

I slowly got up making sure I didn't wake Emily up because she was sleeping peacefully with her head on my lap. She looked so cute asleep. I walked over to the window and I pulled the keratins open a little, squinting when the bright sun hit my eyes. As I tried blinking away the temporary blindness I saw a Big tree.

Like really tall and it was being sawed down by a small group of lumberjacks. They already managed to cut all the branches off and it was just a tall log. It looked like they had cleared out some sort of long path, so when the tree fell it didn't hit anything. I don't think they knew what they were doing, so I pulled out my phone and started to record them. Only because I had a bad feeling about what was about to happen next. Well it was a good thing I was recording because by the time I knew it, it came crashing down.

I saw the whole thing happen in slow-motion as one of the guys yells "timber!" at the top of his lungs. His voice cracked which made him sound like he was the neighborhood rooster at 6am. So the tree starts to fall. Not on the path intended for the tree but NO where does it crash? It came down smashing my car right in the middle.   

The alarms go off instantly. My jaw dropped. It fell on my freaking car!! I was so mad. I felt a fire instantly start to grow inside me, getting hotter and hotter. I tried to contain it but I just yelled "what the fuck! are you kidding me!" I stopped recording the video. Then turned around to see if I accidentally woke Emily up. Which I did.

Emily jumped up from the couch and ran towards me and asking " Billie what happened? What's going on out there? Is everything okay?"

"Some bozo thought it would be a good idea to chop a tree down and wreck my car. Here look at this" I said while I gave her my phone to look at the video.

"oh my god I'm so sorry. I wish I had known. what are we going to do?" Emily asked looking out the window at the scene. Then looked back to me, but when she turned around I was out the door.

I ran up to my car to see how bad the damage was and there was no way I could ever drive this thing again. Good thing we didn't forget to bring Max inside yesterday or else he would be dead meat.

I confronted the guys by practically yelling "what the fuck bro, are you serious?! How do you cut a tree the wrong way?"

"We didn't do anything wrong, the wind blew it and it unfortunately hit your car. I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do." One of then said as the rest started to laugh

"Is he joking? Like how dumb can this guy be. Oh well I guess these guys are just trying to get on my nerves aren't they. Okay I see you wanna play fine. Game on bitch." I thought to myself.

"You expect me to believe that the wind can move and entire long ass log and make it hit my car? I don't think you understand. You see I have this all on tape and unless you want me to call the cops or your boss or whatever, you're going to clean this up and pay for all the damage. Got it?" I said angrily as I furrowed my brows.

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