Chapter 4

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Billies POV

I wake up wrapped in Emilys arms. I slowly get out of bed trying not to wake her up. I grab my phone from the night stand and walk down stairs to the kitchen looking for food. I checked the pantry and the fridge but there was nothing vegan that I could eat.

I went to the living room, sat on the couch and scrolled through my instagram. replying to some fans comments/posts. Emily came walking down the stairs and sat down next to me leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I say

"Good morning" she said in a raspy voice

"What do you want to do today mamas?"

"Let's go to the mall. I need new clothes"

"Alright sounds good. Also you don't have anything I can eat so we can go out for breakfast too."

"Okay lets get ready and I'll call an Uber"

Time skip

After we ate breakfast at the local pancake house. We arrived at the mall, I paid the Uber driver and we got out the car and walked inside.

First we went to Forever 21. It was a big store so Emily took her time to go through everything that caught her eye.

I got impatient because we were already in there for like 45 minutes.

" hey Em, do you mind if I go check out another store? I promise I'll be back before you're done here."

"Yeah that's fine. Sorry I'm taking so long"

I just smiled and walked away. She continued shopping and found a couple of nice outfits that She liked.

I saw some random store I never heard of. So I walk in because it looked promising. hopefully I could find some new shirts.

I was browsing through a rack of clothing but I only found one shirt that I really liked. I headed over to the cash register to pay for it. When the cashier looked at me she smiled and said.

" hi my names Bella. Sorry to bother you I just wanted to say I'm a really big fan of yours and I love all your songs!!"

"No problem at all" I say as she comes around the counter and gives me a hug. I always try my best talk to all of my fans and get to know them a little. They made me who I am today and I am so thankful for each and everyone of them.

We talk for a little and take a few pictures. Before she goes back behind the counter and scans my items.

" so are you working by yourself today?"

"Well not exactly, my coworker is on her lunch break now. So yeah I guess you could say that."

"Oh okay" I say as she hands me my bag

"Bye billie it was so nice to meet you!" She said with a little sadness pouring into her eyes.

I gave her one last hug "it was nice to meet you too Bella" but when I tried to back out of the hug she pulled me in and she kissed me.

I tried to back away but she kept on pulling me closer. I finally managed to get out of her grip when I look over to see... Emily. Fuck she's going to think this is my fault. I turn to Bella and say "Dude what the fuck! Why did you do that!" in shock and anger.

Emily's POV
I finally found clothes that I liked at Forever 21 and went to try them on in the fitting room. They fit perfectly So I bought them and decided to go look for Billie.

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