Chapter 2

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I woke up with the sun glaring down on my eyes, as I looked over to Emily I noticed she was still sleeping, so I quietly got up and went to the cafeteria to grab us some breakfast.

I got back to the room a couple of minutes later to find her still sleeping. She looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake her up. I gently set down our food on a small night stand, and pulled up a chair to the right side of her bed.

I extended my arm to hold her hand in mine. It was so cold it immediately sent goose bumps running up my arm giving me a weird tingling sensation. it was only 7:24am and I realized that she wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, so I decided to go back to sleep. I rested my head on the back of my chair with my head facing her and later fell asleep.


As I slowly woke up I saw Billie sitting right next to me holding my hand. I have to admit it was pretty cute. I just looked at her and admired how beautiful she was even when she was sleeping. I just met her and I already feel like we are really close. I sat up to get into a more comfortable position making sure our hands aren't separated.

As I checked my phone I heard Billie say "good morning" in a raspy voice.

"good morning Billie" I said.

"I brought us some breakfast" said Billie

"thank's, lets eat I'm starving" I said

time skip

The doctor came in our room and said I'm good to go. So Billie and I packed up our things and left. I was kind of sad to leave because I wanted to spend more time with Billie but I'm not a big fan of hospitals so I grabbed the last of my belongings and left.

we arrived at Billies car when she asked "Hey Emily would you like a ride home?"

"its ok you've already done a lot for me. I don't know how I am going to make it up to you." I said.

"what are you talking about, that was nothing. Come on please?" said Billie

"are you sure?" I said in a hesitant voice.

"of course em, I really like you and I want to spend more time together" Billie said

"I really like you too and I would love a ride!" I said as I felt my face burn up because she said she likes me. I tried to hide it but she saw it again like last time.

"aw you're too cute" she said as she pulled me into a hug, being mindful of the cast on my wrist.

I hugged her back and I felt so safe in her arms. I didn't want it to end.

she opened the car door for me, I thanked her then I gave her my address and we were on our way. I was surprised to see Max still sleeping in the back of the car. I thought he would have been going nuts by now all alone.

"what kind of music do you want to listen to?" asked Billie

"I don't know, surprise me." I said

"Ooo I like that" Billie said with a smirk across her face.

The drive home was so much fun, we sang each song out loud at the top of our lungs practically screaming. The first time I heard Billie sing I was shocked that such an amazing voice came out of such a small beautiful girl. I fell more in love with her by the second. Her voice was so angelic, and the way her hair swayed when the wind hit it as she moved her head to the beat of the songs. I love the way she would look at me with those deep blue ocean eyes of hers that I could just get lost in. Ahh I think I'm falling for her, and I'm falling hard.

We pulled up to my house and Billie insisted on helping me take Max inside. Which I totally could have done all by my self, but I didn't stop her because I wanted to enjoy the last bit of time we had together.

"nice house" said Billie as she walked around peaking her head into almost every room that she saw.

"thank you" I replied

"I guess I should head home now" Billie said.

"aw okay" I said. As the smile on my face started to fade a little.

She looked at me and smiled, and brought me into another one of her amazing hugs. This one lasted a little longer than the first one. Then she pulled away from the hug and was just staring at me. Directly into my eyes. The next thing I know she gently kissed my forehead. She still had her arms wrapped around my waist. She looked down at me with the sweetest smile on her face.

"bye mama's" she said as she backed out of the hug.

"bye Bil" I said.

I watched her walk slowly towards the door, wishing she had just kissed my lips instead.

"Billie wait" I said

"yeah what's up" she replied

"you forgot something" I said as I walked towards her

"and what's that?" she said with a grin on her face also walking towards me

our faces were now inches apart

"you forgot to do this" I said, before I placed a soft kiss on her lips. I pulled away and said "sorry Billie I shouldn't have done that, it was to soon" as I looked down at the floor.

"hey look at me" she said In a calming voice while pulling my chin up to her.

she cupped my cheek with her hand and kissed me back. Our lips were now moving in sync as each kiss got deeper and more passionate. I pulled away out of breath keeping my head against hers.

We just looked at each other smiling, we both knew that we wanted to be together.

"do you have to to leave so soon?" I asked. Obviously showing I was a little upset she had to leave.

"well what do you want me to do?" Billie said

"do you want to spend the night? maybe watch a movie?" I asked hesitantly

"sounds great!" said Billie

We picked one of Billie's favorite horror movies and snuggled up on the couch. I got scared every once in a while and dug my head into Billies chest covering my face with the blanket. But I didn't remember how the movie ended. I guess we both just fell asleep in each others arms.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. Please vote I worked really hard. Also comment what you want to happen next because I'm running out of ideas. The next chapter is going to be a little longer and more interesting 😏 if you know what I mean. I love y'all so much. 💗 -Jaclyn (the author)

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