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My wolf ears and tail appeared right when I heard a twig snap.

"When did you- Shh." I said, covering Levin's mouth.

My ears twitched my eyes darted to the tree in front of us. I started to growl.

"It's no use hiding. Come out now!" I shouted, standing up.

Twenty men walked out from behind the trees in front of us.

"What do you want?" I asked, growling.

They all were wearing hoods so I couldn't see what they looked like. I stood in front of Levin, blocking them from getting to him. They all started to walk towards us. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest as fear filled my whole body. Levin grabbed my hand and stood next to me. I took a deep breath and made my tattoos appear. My werewolf ears and tail disappeared and my tattoos turned from black to red.

"If you don't leave. I will kill you all." I said, as anger filled my whole body.

A man who looked to be their leader just kept walking towards us as the rest of them stopped in their tracks. My tattoos glowed bright, I let go of Levin's hand, and made two swords appear.

"I'm warning you. Back off!" I shouted, as my eyes glowed.

 The leader stood right in front of me and he didn't even seem bothered by my powers. I went to hit him with my swords when I couldn't move a muscle.

"What have you done to her!?" Levin asked, standing in front of me.

"Just a little spell to make it so she can't use her powers." He said, as my eyes stopped glowing, my tattoos disappeared, and my wolf ears and tail appeared.

"Let her go now or I'm calling the guards!" Levin said.

"Not a chance. Now move aside and I'll let you leave here unharmed." He said, looking at Levin.

"I'm not leaving without my friend!" Levin said.

"Cute. But I'm not dealing with some hero wannabe." The leader snapped his fingers and two guys walked over to Levin, grabbing him. "This will only hurt a little." The leader said, as he walked closer to Levin.

One of the men punched Levin in the stomach and he fell to his knees.

Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now