Tribute List

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These are the tributes so far. This is only the basic information about each one. More details will be given on the reaping day pages. The information order is Name/Gender/Age/District. Please read the following tributes in that way.

Aria/F/17/2 - @THGfan10

Esther/F/16/6 - @IamPilgrim

TJ/F/15/11 - @OreoQueen4evar

Annemarie/F/12/1 - @Mermaid1211

Catrina/F/13/3 - @ApplesAreAwesome1800

Bethany/F/14/11 - @FaithJones991

Maya/F/14/7 - @District_Tribute

Devin/M/18/9 - @Devin_Redstone

Roxy/F/12/10 - @TwilightmoonZ

Lissa/F/15/8 - @lissabanbi

Bryn/M/15/5 - @CraZCanuck

Donna/F/17/2 - @TawnHoffman

Matrix/F/16/4 - @KaylanaN

Parker/M/17/12 - @ananda2199

Cheshire/M/15/3 - @__Cheshire_cat_

Saul/M/15/10 - @saffrongrey

Ana/F/13/4 - @duress

Grace Lynn/F/16/12 - @axela1998

Merci/F/18/5 - @theonemockingjay

Star/F/17/8 - @StarpeltOfSkyClan

Rogue/M/15/1 - @lookingforalice

Susie/F/15/7 - @SignedBySusie

Robyn/F/16/9 - @Robyn63xo

Adam/M/16/6 - @Ej21vf

More Tributes will be added as their information arrives so be sure to check back often to see all the of our wonderful tributes.

Happy Hunger Games!

One more thing! If you are already entered, invite your friends to volunteer (preferably more of the male gender) or get them to vote for you and sponsor you. It could mean the difference between life and death! (For the tributes of course)

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