District 7 - Susie

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Name: Susie McCarthy

Gender: Female

Age: 15


Weapon of Choice: Double Long Swords

Other Info: Good at swimming, running, singing and writing


Eye Color: hazel

Hair: strawberry blond

Height: 5'9




ITEMS: two long swords


I hold my breath as a primped Capitol woman with purple hair draws a name from the huge glass bowl of District 7 female tributes. My heart pounds. My mouth is dry.

"Susie McCarthy!" she says into the microphone.

And now, I no longer have to hold my breath. I simply cannot breathe.

My mother always said that I was destined for greatness. I never guessed that she meant this. This, this unquenchable nightmare of soon-to-come blood and hopeless dreams. This, an arena of people whose goals are all revised replicas of the exact same thing: to kill me and everyone else. How did this happen? Why were the fates angry with me; why have they given me an impossible task which will undoubtedly, ultimately break me?

But amidst my thoughts, I am climbing the stairs to the wooden stage, a stage I and all others from my district made with our own hands. I see the initials from gangs carved into its sides, where they should not be, and have to hold back a giggle. What's wrong with me? Am I hysterical with the foresight of my approaching death?

"Well, well, well, Susie! Let's give a big round of applause for our new tribute!" The Capitol woman seizes my shoulders and, standing behind me, smiles for the cameras as the audience claps quietly in the background. I smile, but with so little enthusiasm that I'm sure everyone in Panem will be able to see the weakness, the desolation and despair behind my fake expression. Soon I will die. In several days. In an arena. By the hands of another tribute.

But as I stand on the stage, I realize that I will not go down without a battle. I can fight; most people in my district use axes, but I've been using two long, deadly sharp blades for most of my life. I can set traps, and I can identify most plants. Besides that, I'm stubborn - and I have things here to live for. My mother, buried beneath the soil behind our broken-down cottage. My uncle, who raises me and loves me like his own child.

I will fight back. For my district.

If you wish to ally with or sponsor this tribute, private message me

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