District 3 - Cheshire

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Name: Cheshire

Gender: Male

Age: 15


Weapon of Choice: twin daggers

Other Info: Is insane, fun and scary


Eye Color: black?

Hair: dark purple, long

Height: Tall and skinny




ITEMS: a set of twin daggers


Snoring filled the dark forest. The animals didn't mind though. They had gotten used to the being who wasn't completely there, lounging around all day. He was their protector, scaring off hunters with his frightening appearance. Even though his district was against it, he didn't leave the forest. How many times they tried attacking him? He lost count. They had brought dogs on several occasions, animals he wasn't to fond of. But due to his aura, something all animals could sense, they would back down, knowing he was far stronger than the slender boy looked.

Though he was nearing his 15 birthday, he looked almost 20. His tattered purple clothes held loosely on his pale body. He tensed as he heard the horn, he had heard this horn many times before, but was never chosen. It was reaping day, a day most dreaded. But to this madman, it was a day to rejoice, in hopes he would be picked from the few boys left in his district. He leapt down from his tree nimbly, and went into a sprint as he ran through the woods.

Arriving at the center of district three, he saw many things he wanted to laugh at, but knew it would not be wise. Mothers cried, praying for their children to not be picked. A tall man dressed in a black suit stood on the steps of the cathedral. District 3 was one of the few religious districts, and the last time the capital tried to stop them, hasn't ended well. Most men were lost, resulting in a large decline in the population. And because district 3 supplied most of the livestock and product, the capital decided against killing them off.

The boy smiled, he had a strange way to make a smile warm and welcoming, to goofy and fun, to downright horrifying. He was feared by the other teenagers, called a freak or crazy. But the boy welcomed the insults, for they were true. He was a freak of nature, an experiment from the capital gone wrong. With the tail and ears of a cat. He acted like one. He was intelligent, and intimidating.

"Ladies and gentleman, the male tribute for this years games is," the man pulled a piece of paper out of a glass bowl. "Cheshire Catwells" he said. The crowd grew quiet. Then erupted in cheers. Joyous shouts of, "Finally! That bastard can go die!" And "now he can die like the animal he is!" Were shouted. He laughed at the insults. Within seconds, the boy had leapt onto the steps. He bowed, a sly grin on his perfectly chiseled face. If he wasn't so feared, girls might have found him attractive, but that wasn't the case. He stood up, the bell around his neck jingling.

"Thank you all for this extravagant goodbye celebration. I hope you all have a good few days while I'm in luxury, prepared to die for the Capitol's amusement. I take both insults and compliments with open ar-" he was interrupted by a can being thrown at him, hitting him on the forehead. He laughed hysterically, ready for more items to be thrown at him. Rocks. Cans. Moldy food. He had taken it all before. He laughed as a rotten tomato hit the side of his face, but on the inside, he was hurt.

He stared at who through the tomato, and found it to be the one person who used to accept him. They had been friends in another time, but she had fell for another, and she fell for the one person who hated him most. Alice Roxswell, was a girl who accepted him for being strange. As their friendship grew, he began to love her.

But she was in love with Eric, someone who hated him beyond anyone else's hate for him. Eric had abused him, several times. Cheshire wouldn't lay a finger on him though. For Alice's sake. With every new bruise or cut, he would tell her he fell or had gotten hit with something. He had loved her so much until one day, Cheshire decided to fight back.

One punch and Eric was running. Not only because of Cheshire's genetically engineered strength, but Eric was a coward. And the cowards always play dirty. He had told lies. Lies about how Cheshire was hurting him, hurting him because he was jealous of Eric having Alice's affections. She believed the scum, and hated Cheshire. When hearing the person you love saying they hate you, you react in one way. Madness.

Cheshire had gone insane that day, becoming even more of a freak to the others. Though he was mainly human, Cheshire was still fasted out. He snapped out of his trance as the man in black shook him.

"Sir, it's time to leave." The man said. Cheshire looked over to him as an egg hit on the side of the head.

"Alright." He whispered. "Good day everyone!" He walked off with the man and they continued their way towards the train. Guards had to hold back the crowds as more items were thrown at the cat boy.

On the inside he cried as he heard the girl he used to love scream at him, "I hope you die! You jerk!" That broke through all of his barriers as tears streamed down from his eyes as he boarded the train.

Reaping day. The day he wished he'd be chosen, and it had come true, but his barriers were broken. They'd be rebuilt, they always did.

"I wish I never loved you" Cheshire whispered. Tears streaming down his face. "Cause if I hadn't. I could have killed that Eric bastard." The trains horn was too loud for anyone to hear him as it sped off towards the capital.

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