For all the tributes so far, thank you for accepting your doom. Once we collect the initial tributes, I will give a week for anyone who wants to still enter. This will also mean that the Reaping paragraphs will need to be given to me by then as well.
After a Day Chapter is posted, the two tributes will have twenty-four hours to get me their encounter. Once both are received, I will post both versions in two separate chapters. This is the time for your allies to vote for your side. If you don't get me a paragraph in time, you die. Please don't hesitate to ask for help from your friends and readers.
Once both entries go up, all tributes, sponsors, and readers have one day to vote on their favorite. The one with the most votes will be what happens.
Keep in mind, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO START KILLING IMMEDIATELY. People may not vote for your encounter if you try to kill their ally so be smart.
If you do chose to kill, don't give me some ridiculous story about a lightening bolt coming down from the sky and smiting them.
So as a recap:
Day Chapter goes up announcing the two tributes
They each have a day to respond.
Both entries go up and the voting is open.
Everyone has one day to vote.
Once the voting period has ended, I will post a Night Chapter
I will accept 5 versions of what happened, and then
A new Day chapter will be posted
Happy Hunger Games!

The Hunger Games - Writing Contest (ENDED)
Короткий рассказOkay, so this idea was inspired by THGFan10 so be sure to thank her for it! Reaping day is rapidly approaching. Instead of skills like hunting and fishing, your writing may just be your only defense mechanism! Do you have what it takes to make it ou...