District 1 - Annemarie

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Name: Annemarie

Gender: Female

Age: 12


Weapon of Choice: Dagger

Other Info: Dancing, Speech and Debate, Writing, Reading and Science


Eye Color: Hazel

Hair: Chesnut Brown

Height: Average




ITEMS: one dagger



A piercing gleam of sunlight broke through my window dragging me out of a restless slumber,urging me to get out of bed. It was the day I've been dreading since the day I turned twelve, Reaping Day. I've trained my whole life for that day and yet I kept praying I didn't get picked. I'm not like my peers whose whole goal in life is to win The Hunger Games. I'm not named for the luxury of our district, I'm different, I'm unique. I've always been sort of a loner. I've been trained with my dagger since I was old enough to stand, and I'm very creative.

I've been in theatre arts since I was young too, but I had to quit when I was ten to focus more on training. Anyway I got myself up and dressed in a dress my mother gave me for this very day. It was an icy blue color, and was adorned with diamonds and gemstones. I put on my diamond jewelry, and went downstairs. My mother, who is a hair stylist,was waiting at the bottom of the staircase, along with my aunt Crystal who is a makeup artist. They sat me down at the table and looked at me as if I was a doll, and they were kids playing. First my aunt fixed my makeup. She mixed a paler of blues and greens to accentuate my hazel eyes.

Then the glitter, she put more sparkles on my face then there are stars in the night sky. She used a pale pink blush to "give me color."

"My goodness you look so beautiful, like a queen of ice." My mother said smiling at my aunts handy work. "You'll have to be just that in the games sweetie, cold as ice, you're to kind my dear, you won't survive if you let your heart lead you." My aunt added as she touched up my lipstick.

"I might not even get picked anyway Aunt Crystal."

"Well I'm sure I don't know but if you do I want you to be brave, and win."

"Ok," I said. Then my aunt said to my mom,"Your turn Katherine, my work here is done."

With that my mom twisted and twirled my hair into a beautiful French braid, leaving only my bangs hanging down just below my eyebrows. "There, perfect." She smiled, but I knew my mother was crying on the inside. Unlike my father who wanted me to fight and win, my mother wanted to shield me. I'm her only child, so I know she dreaded this day more than I did. My dad came down stairs, to kiss me and wish me luck, and to basically say that if I don't get picked to immediately volunteer.

I walked to the center of the district in my silver flats, and as I walked I saw other kids walking there too. I said to myself, "Annemarie you're not gonna get picked, think positive, you're not gonna get picked." Over and over in my head Even though I looked good on the outside, on the inside I trembled with fear. I walked towards the stage, finding my place among the crowd. I looked up at the stage where a tall thin woman stood between the two glass bowls that held our fates. I recognized this woman as Ruby Gleam.

Her long black hair was twisted into a large doorknob bun on her head with a large red gemstone hair piece that stood off at least five inches from her head. She also wore a mermaid style dress that was covered in none other than rubies. Her rose red lipstick formed the shape of a heart on her lips. She tapped the mic, and then spoke.

"May I have your attention please?" Her honeyed voice lingered in the air as she waited for the crowd to silence itself. "Thank you, today we are going to select two young adults to be honored with representing district one in this year's annual hunger games. Let us begin...."

She reached her claw-like hand into the glass bowl with our names in it. I squinted my eyes shut, and crossed my fingers, and then the worst happened, she spoke again, "Annemarie.."

I didn't even hear anything after the syllables of my first name flowed through her lips like a train through a tunnel. My worst fear came to life. I pinched myself hoping and praying it was a dream, but then Ruby spoke again. "Come on up please Annemarie." I walked slowly to the stage each step trembling worse than the last. I took her outreached hand and stood next to her as she chose another name. But I didn't even care, I didn't want to care, because I didn't want this to be real. Now I'm here standing in front of my peers, nervous, and angry, and on the verge of tears.

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