[Chapter 4]

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Stormy Rain~

  As Rosalie and Stormy pulled up to the school, They where laughing about that guy they almost hit.

"I know! what a total freak! its like, heellooo? get a car!"

they both shreiked with laughter as they entered the school, skipping along to their lockers.

"Actually" Stormy said dramatically."I thought he was rather .. Dreaammmmmyy..."

She exaggerated and giggled, getting her books and closing her locker.

"Oh!" Rosalie squealed, "I should have gotten his number for you! Damn.."

she said and winked. Stormy groaned. Rosalie was always trying to set her up with guys. But none were her taste for.. obvious reasons.

"Ill catch you later!"Rosalie said as she skipped off into the flooded hallways.

Stormy had a half hour before first period. She decided to go get a coffee down the street. Outside was still dim, but she didn't care. She began walking down the street towards the coffee house. As she entered, she ordered a large black coffee, and sat at a Booth alone. 

As she sat there drinking her coffee, lost in thought, She heard the ding ! of the bell on the front door of the coffee shop. Meaning that someone had come in. She turned to see a scruffy man walk in. He was tall and had a bit of a Beard growing. He ordered what looked like a sandwich and... coffee? tea? She couldn't tell. He was wearing dark faded jeans and a grey button down shirt, rolled up to his forearms. He looked around, then as she looked away, pretending to be fascinated of whatever was outside, she could feel his eyes on her. Stormy clicked her heels on the ground as she drank her coffe. She started thinking about music, her past lives, since she never aged. She twirled a curl around her finger. as she finished her coffee she looked up, about to call over a waitress for another when she stopped. She took another look at the man and quickly looked the other way. It was the guys she'd almost hit today ! Not like it was her fault.. I mean, Its not her fault that he likes to walk in the middle of the road..Right? She then smiled warmly at the man, flashing her perly white teeth, and gave a shy wave to him.  The man Smiled and got up, walking towards her. 

Offering a hand, he said, "Well... good afternoon, ma'am. I believe you almost killed me earlier this morning...?" he said with a small laugh. His voice was soft and warm, and his height seemed much more prominent in the presence of her fragile looking self.

Stormy gave a shy laugh. "yeaahh ... Rosalie isn't the best driver." she said, taking in his presence.

He was cute, looked a little older, but then she smiled, because she knew in all reality, she was older than this man. She smiled warmly.

"So, im sorry about that ... but then again, whats a man like you walking out in the middle of the road? I believe we both some explaining to do, hmm?" she raised an eye brow, as she sipped her coffee with he dainty skinny white fingers. She licked her lips slowly after taking in a sip of her coffee, and pursed her blood red lips.

"Well..." The man looked embarrassed, 

"I've had a lot of long nights. I didn't see any cars when I first walked to cross the road. It isn't my fault, then..." . He said. Sipping his tea and looking into her eyes. As if their conversation where a challenge and he was determined to win.

Stormy snorted a laugh. "you have nooo idea about the nights I have .." she said, then smiled warmly. "would you like to sit with me?" she asked, smileing

 He had very yellow eyes.. she couldn't keep her eyes off them. very thin looking pupils too... how strange, she thought. Her eyes when a deep violet color, wide and bright.

Grinning and laughing, he said, "A pretty, young thing like you...? Oh, yeah I'm sure you're busy all night long." he said with a wink. The waitress noticed his change in seats and brought him his sandwich.. 

Stormy giggled. "That's SO not what i meant! do i really look like im that easy?"she said to him.

Taking him in, She took a sip of her coffee. Never taking her eyes off of him. There was something.. off about him. she grinned from across the table, her eyes daring.

 he bit into his turkey sandwich. Between chewing, he said sarcastically, "Haha. I'm sure you are."  He said, swallowing.

"Anyway, I'm Joe." he said, offering a free clean hand across the table. 

Stormy hesitated at his hand. She knew when people touched her, they became freaked. Her skin was ice cold. She then reached her hand out shook his, giving a warm smile.

"Stormy. It's a pleasure to meet you..Joe." she said kindly, not noticing that she hadn't pulled her hand back yet. 

Joe took his hand back. 

 Stormy blushed and quickly pulled her hand away, placing her hands in her lap.She then glanced at her watch. 8:10am. Class started 10 minutes ago.

"Shit!" she said under her breath. she quickly threw down some money on the table and got up.

"I'm sorry i have to go!" she called behind her shoulder as she used her vampire speed to flash out of the coffee shop, leaving her number for Joe on his place mat, with her name next to it with curvy, crisp hand writing. She entered her school and raced to her locker, grabbing her books and racing off to her first period.

 As Stormy finally sat down, in now 2nd period, her Phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out, and saw it was from a number she didn't recognize. She read the text that said:

"Hey. It's Joe... Umm... Maybe this is forward, but... Do you wanna meet up again later tonight? Find out what you DO do to have late nights? --Joe"

Stormy grinned and texted back that it was a date.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2013 ⏰

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