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        Myrah Granger wasn't always a Granger. She was once a Yaxley. 

Myrah Yaxley was only three years old when her parents divorced and her mother married another man. 

She was only ten years old when her real father, Corban Yaxley, sent her sister to live with her mother because Mahek was sorted into Ravenclaw. 

The only times Myrah Yaxley would see her mother was when her new husband's family would have a reunion. 

Corban Yaxley did not want his youngest daughter to be mingling with the "filth" that his ex-wife married, but Khushi Dhawan insisted that Myrah go.

All her cousin's hated Myrah except for one shy girl named Hermione.

It was Myrah, Mahek, and Hermione against Kendall, Nimlee, Dylan.

Laryana never did anything, she just read a book.

They called Hermione, Myrah, and Mahek freaks when they did accidental magic because they didn't know what was happening.

Myrah was ecstatic that Hermione was a witch, but Corban just sneered.

"Mudblood filth" he had said.

Whenever Myrah was nice to the house elves she was slapped.

Two months before Myrah got her Hogwarts letter, her "father" used the Cruciatus curse on her for the first time.

Her father had knocked over a small muggle child, and Myrah had helped her up and apologized.

His eyes had glinted with rage and Myrah was terrified.

As soon as they walked into Yaxley Manor, her father had turned around, furious.

"Crucio," he snarled.

After one minute of the torture, he stopped and walked out of the room.

Myrah was shocked that her father would do that to his own daughter.

It was that moment that she realized she envied her sister. Mahek could be true to herself, while Myrah had to keep an emotionless mask on, or she would be punished.

She hoped she didn't get into Slytherin, but she knew Corban wouldn't tolerate another one of his children in a house other than the snake house.

And she knew, deep down, that she was a Slytherin at heart.

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