Chapter 7

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                 Myrah sighed and reapplied the glamour charm on her dark mark. She hated the stupid thing. She started thinking about everything that was happening.

They had a memorial for Cedric at Hogwarts. Everyone went.

Adrian was graduating this year.

Mahek was really sad about breaking up with Angel, but Myrah knew they would get back together.

A burning sensation slashed through her arm.

She groaned and clutched her arm. She would never get used to the summoning.

Myrah grabbed her robes and mask and threw them on before flying to Malfoy Manor.

She knelt down in front of the Dark Lord's chair.

"My Lord, you have summoned me?" She asked respectfully.

"Yes, I have a mission for you."

She looked up in surprise, before concealing her emotions.

He studied her before speaking.

"Spy on Harry Potter


                   Myrah was doing her summer homework when Malaya, Adrian's owl, flew into her room with a letter and parcel.

She opened the letter that was attached to Malaya's leg and smiled at her boyfriend's messy handwriting.

Dear Myrah,

          Meet me at the Leaky Cauldron at 8. Wear the outfit in the box.

From, Adrian

P.S. Myna helped me pick the clothes.

Myrah snickered. Adrian had no fashion sense AT ALL. He had worn polka dots and plaid together once.

On the other hand, Myna was really good in that area of expertise.

Never in her life had she imagined that Adrian Pucey would befriend a Gryffindor, but Myna was so kind and helpful that everybody wanted to be her friend.

After unwrapping the box and opening it, she found a gorgeous two-piece dress, jewelry, heels, and a clutch purse. (Pictured Above) The top of the dress was a sleeveless lacy white crop top. The bottom was a short layered maroon skirt with a gold belt. Maroon heels, feather earrings, and rings were also included in the box. The clutch was a glittery white-gold.

Yeah, Myna DEFINITELY had something to do with this outfit.

It was Gryffindor colors.

She got dressed and slipped on a leather jacket to protect herself from the cold, and in case her glamour charm faded.

Once she was in the fireplace she grabbed a handful of Floo Powder.

"Leaky Cauldron!"

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