Chapter 1

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Myrah stood at Platform 9 3/4 alone. Her father had refused to come with her and had sent her with a house elf. 

Suddenly, her sister, mother, and stepdad spotted her and Mahek immediately ran over to engulf the unhealthily thin girl in a bear hug. 

Myrah, however did not return the hug and spoke with no emotion. 

"Hello Mahek, Mother, Aaryan," she said quietly. 

Mahek's heart broke when she saw her sister's cold blue eyes staring blankly at them. 

"It is wonderful to see you, but I must go now," Myrah said.

She walked off toward the train as Khushi let out a small sob. 

Dhruv Granger comforted his wife as he watched Mahek shuffle sadly towards the train. 

Khushi was heartbroken. 

What had her ex-husband done to their youngest daughter?

Myrah walked into a compartment with two boys and two girls. 

"May I sit here?" she asked politely. 

One of the girls smiled and nodded. She had blond hair and and a warm smile 

"I'm Daphne Greengrass," she said. 

Myrah was about to introduce herself, but a boy with blond hair cut her off. 

"What's your blood status?" He asked rudely.

"I'm pureblood." She said coldly. 

She studied him for a second before speaking again.

"Blond hair and an ego bigger than Pigfarts. You must be Draco Malfoy."

Draco looked offended. He struggled with a comeback for a minute before smirking gleefully.

"Black hair, blue eyes, you must be Myrah Yaxley, the disappointment. Yes, Mr. Yaxley has told my father all about how you are a disgrace to his name." Draco sneered.

Myrah's emotionless eyes sparked with anger as she turned and stormed out of the compartment.

"Draco, that was low," the other boy, Blaise Zabini, said.

Draco felt remorse as soon as the words came out of his mouth, but his father despised the Yaxley girl. Lucius Malfoy had ordered him not to befriend her unless she was Slytherin.

The two girls in the compartment, Daphne and Pansy Parkinson, glared at Draco and ran after Myrah.

"Bloody hell" Draco sighed.


Mahek Granger was very alarmed when she saw her younger sister running down the train with tears of anger and sadness in her eyes.

Mahek immediately went after Myrah and caught up to the furious girl.

Myrah turned around and hugged her sister tightly, sobbing.

After hearing what happened, Mahek was furious.

How dare he say that to Myrah!  she thought.

She knew she couldn't do anything, though.

A few minutes later, they heard voices calling Myrah's name.

Myrah stiffened and quickly dried her tears and wiped all the emotion off of her face.

"I should go, I love you, Mahek" Myrah hugged Mahek and quickly left.

"I love you, too." Mahek called back, but it was too late.

Myrah was gone.


Daphne and Pansy were very kind, and Myrah actually smiled around them.

They sat together on the boat ride to the castle and stood together when they were led into Hogwarts.

They were happily chatting until they heard Draco Malfoy speak.

"Red hair, hand me down robes, you must be a Weasley," he sneered.

Myrah rolled her eyes.

"He isn't very creative, is he? That's twice now that he's stolen my insult!" she complained.

Daphne and Pansy giggled as Professor McGonagall led them into the hall.

Myrah felt butterflies in her stomach as she looked around nervously.

One boy at the Slytherin table was staring at her. 

She met his eyes and he winked at her before she snapped her gaze away and blushed. 

She glanced at him again, and saw that he was still staring.

She felt anger rise inside her, before snapping out of it. Damn these hormonal mood swings!

"Yaxley, Myrah."

Her eyes snapped to the front as she heard her name being called.

She shakily stepped onto the platform and sat on the stool. Pansy and Daphne were both in Slytherin.

She shut her eyes as the hat was placed on her head.

"Hmm, definitely not Hufflepuff." A voice stated.

Her eyes slammed open in surprise.

"Not Gryffindor, either, not brave enough." the voice was heard again.

Fuck you, voice.

"oH wOw, feisty, aren't we." the voice said snidely.

Myrah snorted as she realized the hat was talking.

"Maybe Ravenclaw, yes that would work."  the hat mused.

Myrah's eyes widened in alarm.

"Eh, never mind." the hat said.

She relaxed slightly.

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat shouted.

The Pureblood Granger {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now