Chapter 6

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Hi, I'm going to skip to the final task of Triwizard tournament cause ya gurl has a bad imagination. But a recap of the last four years will be included below. 


1st year- Mahek discovers that Myrah has had the Cruciatus Curse performed on her. Draco and Myrah become friends. Mahek and Myrah have a falling out. Cedric and Myrah become friends. Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott befriend Myrah.

2nd Year- Myrah delivers Tom's diary to Ginny. She discovers she can speak Parseltongue. Also controls the Basilisk for a few weeks and petrifies Hermione. Astoria starts Hogwarts and becomes friends with Myrah. Ginny, Luna, and Astoria are friends. 

3rd Year-Mahek and Myrah forgive each other. Mahek starts dating Angel. Myrah dates Terence Higgs but they break up after 6 months because they decided to just be friends. Pansy has a crush on Ron, and Astoria has a crush on Harry. 

4th Year- Mahek and Angel have a fight at the Yule Ball and have a messy break up. Hermione goes with Krum and Draco gets jelly. Myrah goes to the ball with Adrian Pucey and they start dating. Blaise realizes he likes Ginny and asks her to the Yule Ball, but she was already going with Neville. Theodore and Luna go together to the ball. Daphne goes with Draco as friends. Pansy and Ron go together. Astoria goes with Harry.


         Myrah watched as the competitors entered the maze and she ran her hands through her silky jet black hair. She had a bad feeling about the third task. An arm wrapped around her waist and she smiled as she gazed into her boyfriend's golden eyes. Unbeknownst to them, a jealous boy was fuming as their lips met.

"Arav! Quit staring like a bloody stalker!"

"Yeah, we all know that you have a crush, but tone it down a bit!"

"I do not have a crush, I just think that they should show some consideration and not share saliva around innocent, pure eyes." Arav said with his nose in the air.

Fred and George stared at their friend, amused.



Gred and Forge snickered before singing at the top of their lungs.


"oH mY gOd, shut up! She could have heard you!"

The Weasley twins burst into laughter at Arav's red face.


          All of a sudden, Myrah felt her mind go blank. She stood up and smiled at Adrian.

"I'll be right back." She said.

Adrian smiled back and nodded.

In a trance, she walked towards Professor Moody and tapped his shoulder.

He turned around and grinned. The professor handed her an object.

"Take this. Say 'Rumbleroar' as soon as no one can see you."

She nodded blankly and hurried off with a cloudy look in her blue eyes.



              When Myrah opened her eyes, she saw that she was in a graveyard. Two people hurried toward her. She got a close look at their faces.

"Father?" She said in surprise.

"Yes, and this is Peter Pettigrew."

"He's coming" Peter said nervously.

Corbin Yaxley quickly handed his daughter Death Eater robes and a mask, and she put them on in confusion.

A flash of light lit up the graveyard as Harry and Cedric appeared with the glowing Triwizard Cup.

Myrah gasped as a hissing voice was heard.

"Kill the spare."

A green light hid Cedric in the chest and he fell to the ground, lifeless.

Tears welled in her eyes.

"Ced!" she quietly cried out in horror.

"Quiet!" Her father hissed.

Myrah cried silently behind the silver mask.

Was that all they were? Was everyone just a spare in Voldemort's eyes?

He was like the big brother she never had.

She was finally happy.

But nothing lasts forever, right?


Harry Potter had just left with Cedric's body and Voldemort roared in fury.

His blazing red eyes landed on her, but she stood tall.

"You must be Myrah Yaxley," he said with a snake-like smile.

"Yes my Lord," she said respectfully, bowing her head.

"Pull up your sleeve." Voldemort ordered.

She pulled up the sleeve of her robe, unveiling her smooth forearm.

The Dark Lord pressed his wand onto her arm and said a spell.

Myrah grit her teeth in pain as she watched the dreaded mark form on her arm.

"I'm sorry."  She thought.

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