Chapter 3

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          Myrah opened her eyes and watched as they faded from violet to blue in the mirror. What was happening to her? She kept on blacking out and waking in strange places.

The girl glanced at the clock and her eyes flew open as she stumbled to get ready for her first flying class.

Stars danced in her vision as she stood up too fast, but she was used to it so she brushed it off.

By the time she made it to her flying class, she was close to passing out.

Daphne, Pansy, Hermione, and Myna glanced at her in concern before returning their attention to Madam Hooch.

After mounting their brooms, Myrah felt a lot better and the black spots completely disappeared from her vision.

She gasped as she heard a ripping noise and saw Neville Longbottom start to fall.

"Arresto Momentum," she mumbled quietly with her wand pointed discretely at Neville.

Neville stopped just before hitting the ground, then landed with a thump.

Myna, ever the helpful one, immediately helped Madam Hooch take the boy to the Hospital Wing.

After giving strict instructions to the students, they left.

Draco started taunting Harry and Myrah walked over.

"Give it to him, Malfoy." Myrah scolded.

"What's it to you, blood traitor," Draco sneered.

"I can't believe I was actually going to forgive you today." Myrah said.

Draco's eyes glinted in remorse before hardening.

"Come and get it then." He snarled before taking off with the remembrall.

Myrah and Harry kicked off the ground and shot after Malfoy.

Myrah shot after Draco and snatched the remembrall out of his hand before tossing it to Harry.

Harry tossed it back and smiled at her before they saw Draco quickly flying to the ground.

Draco dismounted on the ground and smirked as Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape came rushing out.

Myrah's heartbeat quickened and her eyes filled with fear before she snapped her emotions away and her face became a cold mask.

Draco felt bad, but his father knows best, right?

"Follow me," both professors said to their pupils sternly.

Myrah bowed her head with regret before following Snape into the castle.


Myrah was led into Snape's classroom and he shut the door before whirling around to face the  other side of the room.

He grabbed her arm and she flinched.

His eyes softened as he gently led her into his office, where an older boy was waiting.

"Miss Yaxley, this is Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin quidditch team." Snape stated.

Marcus raised his eyebrows.

"But she's a girl! The team hasn't ever had a girl."

Myrah's eyes turned as hard as steel as she glared at the boy.

"You can tell anyone who has a problem with it that I'd be happy to introduce my knee to their babymakers." Myrah stated as her eyes narrowed.

Sexist pig.

Marcus gulped under her stare.

"I-I obviously don't have a problem with it." he stuttered.

"Well I think it's settled then. Welcome to the team. You better tell the others that there is a new chaser." Snape said.

Marcus smiled nervously.

"Right away, Professor." he said.

"Wonderful," Myrah smirked.

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