Chapter 8

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                               Myrah looked around the Leaky Cauldron and spotted her boyfriend. He was wearing a suit and looked very handsome. She ran over and covered his eyes.

"Tracey? Is that you?" He asked.

"Who the fuck is Tracey?" Myrah asked angrily.

"Oh she's no one babe, just a friend. Let's get going." Adrian said smoothly. 

Myrah looked at him suspiciously for a moment before smiling.

"So, what is this special date for?"

"Babe, it's your 15th birthday."

Myrah stared at him surprised for a moment.

"Oh my Merlin, I forgot my own birthday!" She exclaimed.

"Relax," Adrian said amusedly as they walked towards the fireplace.

"Pucey Manor!"

The couple stepped out of the drawing room fireplace, and the lights flicked on.

"Surprise!" Pansy yelled.

Myrah jumped.

All of the 5th and 7th year Slytherins were there, plus Luna and Myna.

"You did this?" Myrah asked Adrian.

"Yup," he replied, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Myrah kissed him passionately on the lips.

Their lips meshed together for a few moments before Adrian pulled back.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you, too." She said softly.

They both smiled at each other for a few seconds before Blaise's impatient voice rang through the air.

"Break it up, lovebirds! Nobody wants to see that!" 

Everyone laughed and they started to party.

Adrian lead Myrah over to the girl she didn't know and introduced her.

"Myrah, this is Tracey Davis. Tracey, this is Myrah Yaxley."

"Nice to meet you," Myrah said politely.

"Nice to meet you, too." Tracey replied.

They stood there for a few more seconds before Myrah spoke.

"I'm going to get some Firewhiskey."

"I'll come with you" Adrian said.

They went and got some firewhiskey, then Myrah went over to the girls, and Adrian went over to the boys.

"Hey girls!" she said.

"Happy birthday Myrah!" They all chorused.

"Thanks!" she smiled happily.

After an hour of partying, drinking, and dancing, she went looking for Adrian.

A couple of people said that he went upstairs, so Myrah went to his room.

She had been there quite a few times, so she knew exactly where to go.

Myrah opened the door quietly and her hand flew up to her mouth.

A tear ran down her cheek as she slammed the door and ran out the door.

Pansy, Daphne, and Myna ran after her, with Draco and Blaise following close behind.

Arav watched them leave with narrowed eyes and knew that Adrian had something to do with it.

A few seconds later, Adrian came stumbling down the stairs, buttoning his pants.

"Where'd she go?" he said frantically.

Theo and Astoria advanced on the boy.

Theo punched him in the nose before leaving.

Astoria wanted to do much worse, but she just kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and ran after Theo.

"I hope you never have babies!" she yelled over her shoulder.

Arav stood in the corner and smirked.

Tracey Davis and Adrian Pucey's lives would be hell after this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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