Chapter 2

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Thank you to @soft_milky for the new character!

               Myrah let out a puff of air in relief. She hopped off the stool and strut toward the Slytherin table with a smirk on her face and happiness in her heart.

The young Yaxley took a seat across from Daphne and Pansy and smiled at her sister at the Ravenclaw table.

Mahek smiled back and continued talking to the pretty girl beside her.

Myrah raised her eyebrow and smirked as she saw her sister's cheeks tint with a blush. She'd have to tease her sister later.

All of a sudden, Myrah's eyes locked with a girl at the Gryffindor table who had long, straight black hair. The girl smiled at her and Myrah averted her eyes.

None of the Slytherin's could see her interact with a Gryffindor or her father would have her head.

Daphne and Pansy noticed that the Yaxley girl had nothing on her plate.

"Aren't you going to eat, Myrah?" Pansy inquired.

Myrah's eyes immediately snapped to Pansy and she froze.

"No, I'm not hungry." she answered shakily.

Daphne and Pansy shared a look.

Daphne looked at her disbelievingly but left her alone nonetheless.

A certain boy and two girls, however, were not looking happy about her empty plate.


             After all the Slytherins finally fell asleep, Myrah snuck out to the astronomy tower.

She saw a loose stone in the Slytherin girls' dorm room wall and pulled it out. Behind the stone she had found a map of Hogwarts.

She was shocked because she had learnt that there was no official map, so naturally she was curious.

On the back of the map, she spotted a small inscription in beautiful curly handwriting.

"Armania Shah," she whispered.


Myrah decided to forget about it and proceed to where she wished to go.

So there she was, sitting on the railing of the Astronomy tower, staring at the greenery of Scotland, when a quiet voice pulled her out of her trance.

"Not thinking about jumping, are you?" the melodic voice asked.

Myrah almost fell off the tower in surprise. There stood the Gryffindor she had seen at dinner.

"Myna Merglow's the name. What's yours?" the shy girl queried.

"Myrah Yaxley." she answered.

They talked for a while before the clock struck four.

"Well that's my cue to leave," Myna stood up.

"Pleasure to meet you." Myrah half-smiled.

Myna grinned before speaking.

"I'm sure we'll be seeing each other soon enough." 

Myna winked and hurried out the door.

Myrah smiled.

She didn't end up going back to her dorm that night.

She had just found her first friend from another house.


The next morning before breakfast, Myrah was pulled into an alcove and hugged without warning.

There stood her cousin, Hermione, clad in Gryffindor robes.

It must have been a very odd sight, a Gryffindor and a Slytherin embracing.

Myrah and Hermione talked before splitting up and heading to the Great Hall.

Daphne and Pansy once again stared suspiciously at Myrah's empty plate but Myrah really couldn't care less.

She headed to Transfiguration with the Gryffindors and snickered as two boys came in late and were shocked by McGonagall's transformation.

Her eyes widened in shock as she realized that one of the boys were Harry Potter, savior of the wizarding world.

She saw Myna grin at her look of surprise and Myrah rolled her eyes.

She wondered at first why Myna was a Gryffindor with her helpful, kind, and quiet nature, but after becoming friends, it was apparent to why she was in the lion house.

Myrah's thoughts had drifted to that boy that had been staring at her during the sorting.

She had seen him staring again at every meal and it was quite frankly becoming annoying.

She knew his name was Arav because she heard one of his friends tell him to snap out of his "lovesick trance," but Myrah had scoffed.

How could anyone love her? She was horrible and ugly. She let these depressing thoughts consume her mind as McGonagall chided the boys for their lateness.


In her next class, Potions, Myrah and Draco Malfoy were paired up. They worked in silence until the bell sounded for them to leave. 

Myrah started out the door but someone caught her wrist.

She whirled around with a snarl, only to see Draco's face pale even more than usual.

He slowly unfurled his fingers until only his thumb and pinky were around her wrist.

His fingers touched and Draco looked alarmed.

She quickly yanked her arm out of his grip, stars floating through her vision as she stumbled at the sudden movement.

He caught her and she let her vision clear before wrenching herself out of his arms and dizzily staggered out of his reach.

"What?" She hissed harshly.

Draco cleared his face of shock.

"I- I just wanted to say sorry." He mumbled.

Myrah looked surprised before her face contorted into a sneer and her eyes flickered from ice blue to a glowing violet.

"I bet my father told me to befriend you, didn't he?" she said shakily. " Told you to make sure his 'beloved daughter' wasn't hanging around mudbloods and blood traitors." 

He winced at the sarcasm in her voice.

Her face hardened to marble and she spoke in a voice that was like ice.

"Well guess what? tell him that his brilliant plan failed." she sneered and stormed away.

The Malfoy heir stared after the storm that was Myrah Yaxley before sighing and walking away sadly.

Across the hall, an unknown face grinned after the furious girl.

She would be his, they always were.

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