Chapter 4

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                 Flint had trained Myrah, and their first match was in about 2 weeks. It was against Gryffindor.

It was time to introduce Myrah to the team.

Myrah strut toward the Quidditch Pitch and sprawled onto the bleachers with the rest of the team.

"What are you doing here?" Adrian Pucey asked.

Myrah just smiled.

Flint walked onto the field and clapped his hands.

"As you know, we have a new chaser!"  Flint said slowly

Marcus paused.

"Yeah, well who is he?" Bole, a beater, asked.

Myrah rose to her feet gracefully.

"Here I am!" She said proudly.

The whole team burst into laughter, but Myrah's eyes turned to ice.

Almost the whole team stopped at the young Slytherin's glare, except for the two beaters. Derrick and Bole.

"B-but . she's a girl, this is a joke, right?" They were in hysterics.

Myrah narrowed her eyes.

She calmly walked over to them and kneed both boys where the sun doesn't shine.

Derrick and Bole screamed and clutched the crotch area of their pants while collapsing on the ground.

The team burst into laughter.

After finally getting themselves under control, the introductions started.

"Hi I'm Myrah Yaxley, your new Chaser."

They all waved and said their names and positions.

"Peregrine Derrick, Beater"

"Lucian Bole, Beater"

"Adrian Pucey, Chaser"

"You know me, I'm a Chaser." Marcus said.

"Terrence Higgs, Seeker."

"Arav Shah, Keeper."

Myrah's head snapped up and she stared at Arav. (He was the kid who kept staring at her)

He smirked at her shocked look.

"I guess you could say I'm a keeper, huh?" He said cockily.

Myrah glared and started walking towards him.

He quickly protected his babymakers and ran away screaming.

Myrah smirked.

The rest of the boys looked at her in fear.

"Let's start practicing, shall we?"


After the practice, Myrah  walked back to her dorm room to shower and change for dinner.

She dressed and was about to leave when she saw blackness start to take over her vision. 

She turned to the mirror and saw her cold blue eyes turn a glowing purple before she blacked out.


She opened her eyes again, and she was in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

She saw Professor Quirrel creep toward her in awe.

"Master, you have come!" he said.

Well that wasn't creepy at all.

She felt a searing pain consume her body, and she writhed on the ground.

The last thing she saw was a black cloud come out of her mouth before she fainted for the second time that day.

Haha! Bet you didn't expect that! Lol idk what I'm doing with my life rn. I'M SUPPOSED TO BE DOING HOMEWORK, BUT PROCRASTINATION!! Luckily, I don't have school tomorrow.

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