Chapter 5

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                   Draco Malfoy was walking past the DADA classroom and heard a scream. He ran inside just in time to see Myrah's bright purple eyes turned a weak, dull blue before she collapsed.

Quirrel screamed in agony as Voldemort possessed him. Draco looked on terrified as the professor's eyes turned red.

Arav Shah also heard the screams and sprinted to the classroom.

He took in the scene and gasped when he saw the frail girl on the floor.

Arav lifted Myrah and grabbed Draco before darting toward the hospital wing.

Madame Pomfrey immediately tended to the 11-year-old and closed the curtain around them.


Mahek burst into the hospital wing with tears in her eyes, and her best friend followed shortly after.

A few moments after she calmed down, Hermione ran in frantically.

A redhead and the one and only Boy-Who-Lived ducked in behind her, breathing heavily.

"Is she okay?" Hermione asked Mahek worriedly.

Mahek burst into tears.

Angel led Mahek to a chair, calmed her down, and gave her a Chocolate Frog before going back to a guilty Hermione.

"Sorry," Hermione said.

"It's ok. She's fragile right now. We lost Myrah for a few minutes before Madame Pomfrey got a pulse again." Angel said sadly.

"Do you know what happened?" Hermione asked.

"Nobody knows except the two boys who brought her, and they aren't telling anyone."

They both glanced at Arav and Draco, who were both wearing a hole in the carpet.

Madame Pomfrey came out from behind the curtain.

"She's stable." The nurse sounded exhausted.

Even Harry and Ron, who didn't know Myrah, were relieved about that.

"Now, could I speak with you in private for a moment? It's about your sister." Madame Pomfrey asked Mahek.

After twenty minutes, a sniffling Mahek finally came out from the room with the grim-looking nurse.

Mahek went behind the curtain with her younger sister without a word to anyone else.

Angel immediately ushered everyone out of the Hospital Wing, seeing that Mahek needed to be alone.

They all looked at each other. 

What happened?


Sorry that it's so short

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