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Warning: Contents in this story may be graphic. Depictions of Violence.


Peter can't help the wide grin that's plastered on his face as he dives behind the couch to take cover. He covers his mouth to try to quiet his laughter, pressing his body harder against the back of the couch to stay hidden as he hears someone running past the doorway to the living room.

"Peter!" A girl's voice screams, full of giggles as she runs into the room. "Truce! We want a truce!"

Peter stays quiet and hidden behind the couch.

"He's not here," she says, an obvious pout to her voice.

Another pair of footsteps stomp into the room and a new voice fills the air.

"Dammit, Peter! This isn't fair. You're too good at this!" he shouts.

Peter finally pops up from behind the couch, shooting them both square in the chest with his Nerf gun, laughing loudly when their faces turn to ones of annoyance and surprise.

"I win! That's two to Harley, none to Morgan, and fifty-seven to me," Peter says, grinning widely as he hops over the back of the couch and lands on the cushions.

"That's so unfair," Morgan pouts, rolling her eyes. "You've got all your superhero powers."

"It was two against one, how is that unfair?"

"Because you've got enhanced senses, you're sticky, you have spidey-senses, and you have super-strength. We're both normal," Harley argues indignantly.

"None of those are going to help me too much. My Spidey-Sense does nothing for you two because you aren't dangerous," Peter says, rolling his eyes right back at his siblings.

"Hey! No more arguing!" Steve calls from the kitchen where he and Tony are making dinner.

"Sorry, Pops!" Morgan shouts back, voice high and sweet.

Peter smiles and stands from the couch. "Let's go again. This time, I'll be blindfolded and you two can still be a team."

"You'll still win," Harley says, glaring at his brother.

"What do you suggest?"

"You should be blind-folded with your hands tied behind your back. We'll definitely win that way," the boy suggests, a smile lighting up his face.

"I don't think so," Tony says, stopping in the doorway. "That's way too dangerous to be doing stuff like that. Anyways, it's dinnertime. Come on."

Peter, Harley, and Morgan aren't actually blood-related. And none of them are blood-related to their fathers, Tony and Steve.

Tony met Harley in Tennessee about six years ago. Harley's mom didn't have a well-paying job and she was miserable since his dad had disappeared. She decided she couldn't take care of Harley the way he deserved and got in contact with Tony.

Tony had adopted Harley within a week.

Steve and Tony got married about six months later, and six months after that decided to adopt Morgan.

She was a little kid at an orphanage nearby and they felt like Harley deserved to have a sibling. When they saw Morgan and her fiery red hair and little giggles, they couldn't resist and was bringing her home.

Peter joining the family was more or less an accident.

He was thirteen and he had been new to the scene of heroics. Tony found him and made him a new suit and took him under his wing.

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