Pt. 1

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    The day I got my letter, my world turned upside down. Up until that point, I was just a nerdy girl with a small group of friends, but not a whole lot else. You see, I'm a Half-Blood, raised by my Muggle father after my mother was killed by Lord Voldemort himself. Up until that point, I knew nothing of wizardry or this mysterious school called Hogwarts. I was just a girl. Mind you, I was a girl around whom many strange things seemed to happen. Now I understand why the seemingly "random" tornado that destroyed Pete's General Store when I was five chose to strike at the precise moment I was having quite the prodigious temper tantrum.
    When I got my letter, though, my father didn't quite know how to handle it. Robert Tyler, a kind and gentle man with thinning brown hair and small wire glasses, had been hopeful I wouldn't turn out to be a witch at all. I'm all my dad has, and he was sure he couldn't handle me going away to boarding school. Yet, he knew what had to be done, and, so, he sent me away to some old wizarding connections of my mother's.
    The Weasleys. A large family of red-heads crammed into a small, ramshackle home they called The Burrow. Little did I know, that ramshackle building would soon become one of the greatest homes I would ever know.

    Nervously, I step out of my dad's beaten-up jeep and into the bright sunlight, allowing Dad to help me get my suitcase out of the trunk. After the receival of my letter, Dad and I moved out here to England from the US, so that Dad could be closer to the school. My father's a freelance writer, anyway, so it didn't bother him at all to move. He's just going to miss me.
    That's when a plump woman wearing wrist-length gardening gloves and a grass-stained mauve apron comes bouncing out of the shack.
    "You must be Audrey! Lorelai's daughter!" she coos in greeting, pulling me into a dirty, flowery smelling hug.
    "Oh, excuse me, dear!" she chuckles, brushing the dirt from my shirt, only causing more dirt from her gloves to collect on my top. So, she pulls out a thick branch I can only assume is a wand, and she flicks it, making the dirt disappear.
    "Thanks," I blush. I've always been a bit shy, and this woman is just so friendly! I can tell she's a nice lady, though, and I'm sure I'll like her a lot once I've warmed up to her a bit.
    "How rude," the woman shoots a scowl towards her house before jogging towards it and hollering in through the windows.
    "Boys! Ginny! Get down here and say hello to our guest!" she yells.
    "No, it's alright, Mrs. Weasley. I'm sure I'll meet them all eventually," I try to stop her making such a fuss over me.
    "Don't be silly, dear. You came at the perfect time. Bill and Charlie are rarely in town, so it's quite a rare thing for us to have everyone in the house."
    There's no need to continue the conversation further, though, as a red-head about my age and a young girl just a year or two younger than me come scampering out the door. Behind them swagger out three older boys, all with red hair as well. Then, an older man with thinning hair who looks at my father's jeep curiously.
    "Is this everyone?" I ask, shocked by what a large family they have.
    "No," Mrs. Weasley pouts.
    "FRED! GEORGE!" she hollers through the window, clearly about ready to come inside and drag them out herself.
    "Yes, Mum!"
    "Coming, Mum!"
I hear loud footsteps running down the stairs.
Two identical boys join the group, short red hair in disarray.
"Alright, Audrey. Time for you to meet the family. I'm Molly, and this is my husband, Arthur," she introduces me, gesturing to first herself and then the curious middle-aged man.
"Nice to meet you, Arthur," I extend my hand to him. He takes it quickly and shakes it.
"You'll have to tell me all about the Muggle world while you're here, Audrey," he informs me.
"Of course, sir. Whatever you want to know."
At that point, though, Arthur moves to bombard my father with questions about his jeep.
    "This is Ginevra. She's our only daughter and our youngest child," she introduces me as Arthur scoops the little girl into his arms.
"Nice to meet you, Ginevra. What a pretty name you have," I tell her, waving to the young child.
"It's Ginny. My name is Ginny."
    "Well, than nice to meet you, Ginny."
"This is Ronald. He's your age, and he will be attending Hogwarts with you," Molly informs me.
"Hey," the boy mutters, shy, from behind his mother.
"Hey," I reply, equally shy.
"This is Bill. He's my oldest," Molly gestures to the tallest red head.
"Hi, Bill. It's nice to meet you," I tell the tall man.
"And you."
    "This is Charlie. He works with dragons a long ways away most of the time, so he's not around a lot. Not that Bill's much better," she scowls at the two boys.
"Hello, Charlie," I shake the hand he extends toward me.
"Percy. He's a Prefect," Molly introduces me to the tall older boy, beaming with pride. The identical boys scoff.
"And these are the twins, Fred and George."
    I observe the two tall, lanky boys for a moment before replying.
"It's a pleasure."
"Oh, the pleasure's all ours," the boys reply, winking in unison.

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