Pt. 5

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Fred and George begged and pleaded with Molly to let me sleep on an air mattress on the floor of their room, but to no avail.
    "She shouldn't have to sleep in Ginny's room! She should be spending time with people more her own age!" the boys complain one day while we're all seated for breakfast at the kitchen table.
    "Well, then, I suppose I should move her in with Ron!" she suggests as she serves up some scrambled eggs.
    This was answered with a resounding 'no' from all three boys: Ron, Fred, and George.
    "She should spend time with people who've already been to Hogwarts and can tell her stuff about it."
    "For the last time, boys, no!"
    I just stare sheepishly at my plate of eggs and eat them quickly so that I can continue on with my day.
    "Let's go outside, Rey," Fred pesters me.
    "Fine," I sigh, dropping my fork and following after the twins, already halfway across the lawn.
    "What are we doing?" I call out to them.
    "Flying!" George replies with a chuckle, already mounted on a broom. In a second, he takes off into the air, his twin just behind him.
    I watch in awe, my jaw dropped, as the boys fly across the sky. They fly in loops, high and low, clearly showing off. All too soon, though, they come back down to me.
    "That was awesome!" I exclaim excitedly.
    "Well, we are Beaters on the Gryffindor Quidditch team," Fred informs me, the two boys beaming with pride.
    "Can I see?" I ask, gesturing to Fred's broom.
    "Sure," he shrugs, dismounting and handing me the broom.
    I run my hand over the sleek wood and tightly bound twigs.
    "It's a Cleansweep Five," he informs me.
    "Nice," I purr, attempting to get on it.
    "Careful!" Fred cries out as I push off the ground gently.
    I take off in a flash.
    George is beside me in an instant.
    "Land! Right now!" he shouts as I twirl and corkscrew through the air.
    "Why?" I ask, thinking I've got a pretty good handle on the whole flying thing.
    "Because you're not really supposed to fly until you've taken the Flying class at Hogwarts! Especially because you've never been taught at all!" George informs me.
    That's when I lose it, and the ground comes toward me all too fast.
    I'm completely prepared for several broken bones and a very painful crash. Instead, though, I'm met with brisk air and a hand around my waist. George grunts as he pulls me up onto his broom with him. The two of us watch as the broom lands safely in the outstretched hands of its owner.
    "Thanks," I tell him.
    George grunts in response. Slowly, he begins to land.
    When we reach the ground, the yelling begins.
    "Never, ever, do anything that reckless and stupid again! Next time I might not be there to catch you!" George shouts.
    "I know! I'm sorry! I don't know why I did it!" I tell him, holding back angry tears.
    Fred watches sheepishly from off to the side.
    "Merlin, Rey, you scared the life out of me!" he roars.
    "I know. I'm sorry," I whimper, letting just a few tears slide down my cheeks.
    "Merlin, Rey," he repeats, quieter and gentler this time.
    "Don't cry."
    Then, the tall boy wraps his arms around me, hugging me tight.
    When we break away, Fred does the same, encircling me with his long arms.
    When Fred ends the hug, he's grinning ear-to-ear.
    "She's a Gryffindor in the making. Where'd you learn to be such a rebel?" he asks.
    "Well, I was raised by my dad, and after my mom died I kinda became his everything, so he kept me really close. He had a lot of rules and was really strict. I've always been pretty sheltered, so I ended up developing a bit of an adventurous, rebellious streak," I tell them, wiping my eyes.
    They just grin.
    "We're all the adventure you could ever want, sweetheart," Fred winks.
    "Now, come on. Let's go play a game of Wizard Chess," George suggests.
    "Sounds like a plan," I smile, just happy neither of them are mad at me anymore.
    I didn't like that George got so mad, but I love that he cares enough to get that mad. It's been a long time since I've felt like anyone but my dad has cared about me that much.

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