Pt. 2

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All of us crowded around the table at breakfast, I don't even know how to cope. It's rare for me to eat meals with one other person, let alone nine. I try to be as quiet as possible and blend in. Unfortunately, in the Weasley family, being quiet makes you stand out. Molly notices quickly.
"How'd you sleep last night, Audrey?" she asks, talking loudly over everyone else.
I can't reply, though, because it is at that moment that Percy takes a pancake from Ron's plate, and the two of them get into a bit of a quarrel.
"Quiet!" shouts Molly at the top of her lungs. This appears to be plenty effective.
"I slept fine, thank you," I tell her.
"Ginny didn't keep you up all night?" she asks, referring to the fact that I'm sharing a room with the young girl.
"No, of course not. She's a good roommate," I smile softly at the girl, who blushes and hides behind her red hair.
"Ha! You think that now. Mum made her clean up her room before you came over. This one's a little pig," Fred laughs. His brother makes pig noises to accompany his twin's statement. Molly hushes them, but I just laugh.
"That's alright. I'm not so organized myself," I wink at her. She looks a bit less shy now, enjoying the fact that we're sharing in the pig-status.
"So, Audrey, what exactly is the use of an MP3?" Arthur asks curiously, looking up from his large stack of pancakes for the first time this morning. I grin. Finally, a subject I enjoy.
"How about I show you? May I be excused for a moment to go get my MP3, Molly?" I ask politely.
"Of course, Dear," she smiles at me brightly, clearly unaccustomed to good manners in the household.
I push out my chair and run up the stairs to Ginny and I's shared room, grabbing my MP3 from on top of my bed. Then, I jog back down, happy to present it to them.
"This, Arthur, is an MP3," I smile, holding my MP3 touch out in front of me.
Arthur oohs curiously, putting on a set of wire spectacles so as to take a closer look.
"Fascinating. What is the function?" he asks.
"My iPod is used for music. All kinds of muggle bands that you've probably never even heard of," I tell them excitedly.
"Eminem, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aerosmith, Sublime, Wheezer, the Beatles. I could list bands and singers for hours. Endless music, as much as you want. It's the best thing in the world and it's all on here," I point at the MP3.
The table is quiet as everyone absorbs what I've said and strains to look at the MP3.
"Well? What are you waiting for?" asks George.
"Play us a song!" choruses Fred.
"Alright, alright," I chuckle softly, wondering what would be best.
That's when I think of it. Quickly, I pull up my Beatles playlist, figuring that, because we're in England, that would probably be best. Maybe my stereotypes are a bit unfair, but I can't help it. None of my other music seems fitting. I scroll until I find the perfect song: "Magical Mystery Tour". I mean, it has the word "magic" in it. It's not my favorite Beatles song, but I want to ease them into the world of Muggle music, not drown them in it. Imagine if I started them with Eminem or Metallica! I press play, and everyone leans in. They all struggle to see the MP3 emitting the music, listening avidly.
When it's over, Arthur coughs.
"May I?" he asks, holding out his hand for the device.
I nod and place it in his hand.
"Be careful with it. It can break," I warn him. He nods and turns it over in his hands, looking at the buttons, headphone jack, and charging port. After several moments of this, Molly stands and begins clearing the table. Hearing the dishes clattering, Arthur jumps, lost in his own world.
"Fascinating. Simply fascinating," he murmurs, handing the MP3 back to me. Then, he goes to help his wife clear the dishes.
I shove the MP3 in my pocket and grab a handful of dishes, wanting to help out.
"Oh no, dear. Don't do that! You're our guest. Go play outside with the boys or something. Ginny, you know we're leaving to go shoe shopping as soon as I'm done here. Go get ready," she says, taking the plates from my hands, before turning her back on me.
The three youngest boys exchange looks.
"Fred, George, Ron! Take our guest outside and find something to do," Molly orders them.
Sulking, the three boys head outside. I follow them sheepishly.
"So, um-," I start, unsure what to say to these unfamiliar boys that have been ordered to spend time with me.
"Yeah, um, we're kinda busy right now, Audrey," Ron says. I can tell he's trying to be rude, but I don't think he's a naturally mean kid.
"Oh, okay," I sigh, understanding what they're saying.
I definitely won't be making friends with these boys anytime soon. I suppose I could try to sneak past Molly to my room, but so many things could go wrong, and I don't really want these boys, however mean they are, to get in trouble with their mom. That won't make them like me anymore.
However, they are not getting away with treating me like this. So, I begin to form a plan. Those boys are gonna regret the day they ignored me.
"Hey, guys. I'm craving orange juice. Mind covering for me if I sneak out real quick? There's a Muggle convenience store just down the road," I ask sweetly.
The guys all nod. Great. Now, I can begin.

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