Pt. 13

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Thursday came, at last, and I was excited. A whole day with my boys, uninterrupted, is exciting, whether I have to face a fear of not. Everything's been taken care of. Ronald's going to cover for me in class, and we're even going to escape through the secret passageway the boys showed me on our afternoon off last Friday.
    Getting up and getting dressed for breakfast, I wear spandex and an athletic tank top with sneakers beneath my robes, different from my usual school outfit. The three of us have agreed to drop our robes off in the Forbidden Forest on our way to the Quidditch stadium.
    Meeting the boys in the Common Room, they look at me odd when they notice I have my MP3 player with me. I don't carry it much outside of my dorm, because I get pestered often if I carry Muggle objects. This is one of the biggest negatives of Hogwarts and the wizarding world in general.
    "I'm sorry, okay? I'm nervous, and when I'm nervous I need some music," I explain, lifting my left hand to my mouth so I can chew my nails, which are already very short.
    "It'll be fine. Just act casual," Fred assures me. I scoff at him before leading the way down to the Great Hall.
    When we get there, we take our usual seats at the Gryffindor table and eat the quickest possible breakfast before telling everyone that we're feeling a bit woozy. Then, we head out.
    We walk down a few hallways until we come to the statue of Gregory the Smarmy. Making sure no one's around first, we make our way through the passageway behind it.
    Once we're outside, we run toward the Forbidden Forest, throwing off our robes as we go. When we come to the edge of the Forest, we find a sizable rock and, while Fred and George lift it, I toss all our robes beneath it. When the rock has been placed back over the robes, I pull out a permanent marker and write FGA on it in pretty cursive, signifying our initials. Then, we sprint towards the Quidditch pitch.
    "Accio Cleansweep," both boys shout at the same time, pointing their wands towards the castle.
    "Since we don't have access to the school brooms, you can borrow mine," Fred tells me once their brooms have arrived, handing me his. Then, he heads off to the stands, knowing that he's not necessary for this part.
    "Now, look, Rey. You gotta pay attention and listen to me exactly. You can't be reckless and go off on your own again, okay? Promise me?" George asks.
    "Okay, I promise," I reply, knowing that this interrogation is very reasonable. If I were him, I wouldn't let me within ten feet of a broom again.
    "Now, broom on the ground," he instructs, doing the same with his. "And call it up, like this:"
    George holds his hand out above the broom and shouts, "Up!" Then, I do the same.
    George's broom shoots right up into his hand, and, to my surprise, mine comes on the first try, too. Not as fast as George's, but still.
    "Impressive. I think it remembers you," George observes.
    "So, they're like wands? They recognize people?" I ask.
    "Not exactly, they don't really have the consciousness wands do, but they can recognize people who've rode them before," George explains. "Now, mount it," George demonstrates how to do so. Then, I give it a go. "Not quite."
    George sets his broom down and comes up behind me, pressing himself against me so that I'm like a puppet, his hands on my hands and his legs directly behind mine, correcting my grip. I know he's closer than he needs to be, but I don't push him off. I couldn't tell you why. "Okay, you're set," he tells me after a moment. Then, he goes and grabs his own broom, mounting it as well.
    "Now, on the count of three, kick off hard. Steady yourself, rise a few feet, and come back down by leaning forward slightly," he starts. "One, two, three."
    I kick off hard and wobble for a moment, terrified. George kicks off himself and hovers beside me until he's sure I'm steady. Then, together, we rise a few feet. Again, together, we go back down on his command.
    I honestly feel like I've slayed a dragon. I turn around, a grin on my face, when I hear Fred's cheers and applause from the stands. George and I both dismount and I start to giggle. "I did it! I can't believe it!" I cry.
    "I can. Knew you could do it, Rey," George grins, lifting me up and spinning me 'round. Sprinting towards us, Fred joins us from the stands.
    "That's my girl! How do you feel?" he asks, high-fiving me.
    "On top of the world, you guys," I grin.
    "Honestly, you're kind of a natural. I had a feeling you would be. Maybe in a couple years you can play with us on the team," Fred chuckles at the idea.
    "Maybe, but for now I think I'd be cool with just cheering you guys on from the stands," I smile.
    "Whatever you like. The next challenge will be flying around the pitch and back. That sound okay?" George asks.
    "I think so," I nod, less afraid now.
    "Okay, well, let's trade brooms, so that Freddie can have his. He's gonna go with ya," George tells me. I can't help but be a bit disappointed. I mask it well, though, handing off my broom to Fred and taking George's.
    Then, for the rest of the day, we just race, the boys taking turns flying with me. Sometimes, we take breaks and just talk and laugh on the grass. We don't realize how long it's been until Fred checks his watch at three o'clock.
    "Yikes," Fred starts. "Better go grab our robes."
    "I suppose," I sigh. "I don't want this day to end. It feels like it used to in the summer. I miss that."
    "Me, too." Fred kisses the top of my head softly before offering a hand to help me up. George jumps up himself and takes the lead. He actually jogs a bit ahead of us.
    "Hey, what do you think of Georgie?" Fred asks, intertwining his hand in mine.
    "What do you mean?" I chuckle. "I love Georgie. Same as you. Why?"
    "Nothin'. I just thought... It was stupid. Never mind," he rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed.
    "No! What is it, Freddie?" I ask, confused.
    "I just thought maybe you liked him, that's all," he mumbles.
    "George? No! I might as well date Phoenix, my kitten. I love Georgie, but not like that," I smile softly, thinking about what a stupid move that would be. Falling for my best friend.
    "You're right. You're just really close," Fred observes.
    "So are we, right?" I ask, looking up at him with wide eyes.
    "Of course, Love. Don't ask stupid questions," he grins, swinging the hands we have joined together, so that I'm forced to swing my arm, too.
    "Love ya, Freddie. You're one of my best friends, you know," I smile at this boy whom I truly do love.
    "Same to you, Rey."

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